Leopard gecko morphs come in infinite possibilities regarding shape and color mutations. Many pet owners are familiar with the common colors such as yellow with black spots. However, it’s not as well known among pet owners that leopard gecko morphs can come in so many different color variations. Although it would be nearly impossible to list them all here, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of over 60 morphs, from the most popular to the super-rare. Read on to learn more about how these unique morphs are created to display different colors, patterns, and even sizes! Additionally, the list below is organized alphabetically with details about each type of gecko. If you’re thinking of adopting one of these vibrant geckos or simply are trying to determine what morph your own gecko is, you’re in the right place!
What Are Leopard Gecko Morphs?
Before we get into the complete list of leopard gecko morphs, it helps to first understand what a “morph” is and how it is created. Essentially, you can think of a morph as just another name for a specific “breed” of a reptile (in this case, a leopard gecko). These breeds can originate from genetic mutations or be bred purposely to pass on specific dominant or recessive genes. In recent years, many morphs have been repeatedly bred with each other to produce more and more geckos of different skin colors, eye colors, pupil shapes, scale patterns, and sizes. Leopard geckos are hardy and docile little lizards, so they are very easy to breed in captivity. Over the past few decades, the list of morphs has grown from about a dozen different types to well over 150! Unfortunately, it would be almost impossible to list every single one here, as the list is constantly growing and changing now more than ever. Still, I’ve managed to find and list more than 60 specific morphs below. These morphs are arranged alphabetically, and included is a short description of each one’s appearance and any other known details of their backgrounds and origins.
Leopard Gecko Morphs List: A-D
Albino/Amelanistic: Geckos with no melanin. Usually a light yellow, pinkish, or cream color with slightly darker markings. As a result of heavy selective breeding, there are many variations of albino geckos, such as patternless or those with red eyes.Aberrant: These geckos have a unique “broken” pattern either on their tail or body.APTOR: Tremper Albino Patternless Orange. Similar to RAPTOR geckos, though they lack red eyes.Aurora: A newer morph with white, yellow, and pink coloration. A combination of the Bell Albino and White and Yellow morphs.Baldy: These geckos have a solid coloration rather than patterning only on their heads.Banana Blizzard: Patternless. Mostly yellow/white in coloration.Bandit: Bandit leopard geckos have a solid stripe across their nose that looks like a mask.Bell Albino: Created by and named for Mark Bell. Pink eyes and light brown spots with a purplish base color.Black Night: Solid black with a grey/white belly.Black Pearl: Patternless black with a white-ish underside. Related to melanistic geckos. Similar to the Black Night morph.Blazing Blizzard: Created by crossing a Blizzard gecko with an Albino gecko. Patternless with bright yellow, lavender, and orange coloration.Blizzard: Patternless geckos with a grey base color and solid black eyes.Bold Stripe: These geckos have two parallel black pinstripes running down their backs.Carrot Head: Geckos with bright orange heads.Carrot Tail: Similar to Carrot Head geckos but with bright orange tails instead.Creamsicle: Cross between Mack Snow and SHTCT geckos. White body color with orange and yellow patterning.Diablo Blanco: Created by Ron Tremper. A combination of Blizzard and RAPTOR geckos. Solid white body with solid bright red or pink eyes.Dreamsicle: A combination of the Enigma, RAPTOR, and Mack Snow morphs. White and pinkish solid body color with orange splotches and pink eyes.
Leopard Gecko Morphs List: E-L
Eclipse: A unique trait where the gecko’s eyes are solid black.Ember: A combination of the Murphy Patternless and RAPTOR morphs. Yellow body with solid red or pinkish eyes.Emerald/Emerine: Geckos with greenish patterning. Created by Ron Tremper in 2004. Can have many different patterns.Enigma: Originated from a random genetic mutation. Produced by Mark Bell in 2006. Enigma geckos have a unique pattern that starts as splotches and turns into small speckles as they age. They are controversial to breed as they are prone to Enigma Syndrome, which produces many neurological issues. They have been crossed with various other morphs, like Blizzard and Tangerine.Fire Water: Created in 2006. A cross between the Albino and Lavender morphs. Usually has broken patterning and lots of vibrant orange and purplish color.Giant/Super Giant: Can be of many different colors and patterns. Bred for their large size. One of the first morphs established back in 2000.Ghost/Hypo Ghost: These geckos have very little patterning on their bodies with a mostly light grey or lavender base color.Godzilla Super Giant: Similar to the Giant and Super Giant morphs but even larger!Halloween Mask: Similar to Bandit geckos, as they have very dark, dense patterning on their heads that resembles a Halloween mask.High Yellow: Similar to the standard Wild Type leopard gecko but with smaller black spots and a more vibrant yellow base color.Hybino: As the name suggests, this is a cross between the Albino and Hypo morphs. Solid, bright yellow coloration with a white belly.Hypomelanistic: Geckos with a reduced amount of melanin in their skin. Must have 10 or fewer black spots on its body (spots on the head and tail don’t count). Usually bright yellow body color.Inferno: Created by P. Kline. Vibrant orange and red body coloration, usually with reduced/broken patterning.Jungle: A gecko with broken, irregular patterning on its body and tail.Lavender: These geckos have minimal patterning and a light purplish-pink base color.Lavender Stripe: Similar to the Lavender morph but with spots densely arranged into stripes running down the top of the gecko’s back.Lemon Frost: A newer morph with a very bright, pale yellow base color. Controversial as they are genetically prone to skin tumors.
Leopard Gecko Morphs List: M-R
Finally, we’re more than halfway through our list of morphs!
Mack Snow: Created by John and Amy Mack. Very little to no yellow coloration; mostly black and white.Mandarin: Created by crossing multiple Tangerine morphs. Very bright orange/red coloration.Marble Eye: A specific trait that causes the gecko’s eyes to have a uniquely marbled color and pattern.Melanistic: Geckos with an increased amount of melanin in their skin. Usually mostly black and grey or solid black in color. Includes the Black Pearl and Black Night morphs.Murphy Patternless: A classic morph created by Pat Murphy in 1991. These geckos lack all patterning on their heads, bodies, and tails. Can be yellow, white, or even purplish in color.NDBE: Short for “Noir Desir Black Eye.” A mutation that causes geckos to have solid black eyes.Nova: A combination of the Enigma and RAPTOR morphs. Created by A&M Geckos in 2007. These geckos have pink or reddish eyes and very light body coloration with little to no patterning.Onyx: These geckos have a mostly greyish base body color with very dark, dense black patterning/spots.Paradox: An unusual mutation that causes a feature that shouldn’t normally be present in a certain morph to appear, such as an albino gecko with a black spot or a melanistic gecko with white patches.Pastel/Mack Pastel: Similar to Tremper Albino geckos. These geckos have very pale pastel coloration and patterning.Patternless: Any morph that has little to no patterning present on its body. Includes Blizzard, Patternless Stripe, and Murphy Patternless morphs.Phantom: An elaborate combination of several different morphs, mainly SHTCTs and TUG Snows. Created by The Urban Gecko. Very light pink and yellow color with pale, reduced patterning and pale pinkish eyes.RAPTOR: Short for “Red-eye Albino Patternless Tremper Orange.” Created by Ron Tremper in 2004. A combination of the Eclipse, Patternless Stripe, and Tremper Albino morphs.RAPTOR Enigma: A cross between the RAPTOR and Enigma morphs. Created by A&M Geckos in 2007. Pale pinkish and yellow skin with pink eyes.Red Stripe: These geckos have a pale yellow stripe outlined by two thin reddish-orange stripes running down their backs. Usually orange or yellow base color.Reverse Stripe: Geckos with thin, dark stripes running down the length of their bodies. Base body and tail color is usually much lighter in contrast.
Leopard Gecko Morphs List: S-Z
SHT: Short for “Super Hypo Tangerine.” Mostly tangerine orange body color and no black spots.SHTCT: Short for “Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail.” A combination of several traits. Must have no spots on its body and a mostly orange tail with a tangerine base body color.Skittles: A rare, fairly new morph known for its unique colors and jungle pattern. Lots of green and purple hues throughout the gecko’s body.Snake Eyes: A unique eye trait that is a variation of the Eclipse trait. Eyes have very thin pupils similar to those of a snake. Snowglow: A cross between the Mack Snow, Albino, and SHTCT morphs. Very light yellow, orange, and pinkish coloration with reduced, pale patterning.Stealth: Combines the Eclipse, Bell Albino, and Mack Snow traits. Uniquely reddish eyes, yellow and pinkish-white base color, and light brown or orange spots.Sunglow: A cross between the SHTCT and Albino morphs. Vibrant orange, yellow, and white body coloration with little patterning aside from the head and tail. Tail is mostly white.Super Hypo: These geckos lack the typical black spot body patterning present in Wild-Type geckos. While the head and body are mostly yellow and white, the tail can have some black spotting.Tangerine: Mostly bright, tangerine orange coloring on the gecko’s head and body. Tail can be a combination of orange and white with black spots.Tremper Albino: Discovered by Ron Tremper in 1996. Body color ranges from orange and yellow to pink and white. These geckos usually have silver eyes with hints of red.Typhoon: Combines the Rainwater Albino, Eclipse, and Patternless traits. Solid black eyes with very light orange and yellow body color, little to no pattern, and a white underbelly.Wild Type (Standard/Normal): The standard morph from which all other morphs originated.