Comparing a Mountain Lion and a Bear

What Are Key Differences Between a Mountain Lion and a Bear?

The greatest differences between a mountain lion and a bear are their size, morphology, and predatory behavior. Mountain lions are quadrupedal felines that can weigh up to 130lbs and measure 8ft long and use predatory ambush techniques. Bears are semi-quadrupedal mammals that can stand on two feet, weigh 700lbs and grow 10ft long, and are opportunistic predators. These differences will provide us with a baseline to examine the creatures. We’ll need to explore other factors to get a better idea of which animal has enough advantages to win a battle against the other.  

What Are the Key Factors in a Fight Between a Mountain Lion and a Bear?

The key factors in a fight between a mountain lion and a bear include typical traits like size and speed. Yet, we also have to consider the offensive prowess of each creature. We’re going to look at several factors for each creature, decide which ones have advantages over the others, and make an educated guess about the fight’s victor!

Mountain Lion vs Bear: Size

A bear is larger than a mountain lion. The average mountain lion will grow up to 130lbs, between 5ft and 8ft long, and about 2ft and 3ft at the shoulder. This pales in comparison with a bear. A bear regularly reaches 400lbs in weight, 10ft in length, and between 3ft and 4ft at the shoulder. Bears have the size advantage over the mountain lions.

Mountain Lion vs Bear: Speed and Movement

Bears are faster than mountain lions. The average speed for bears in the Americas is about 25-35 mph. The mountain lion only reaches speeds of about 30 mph. In terms of agility, the mountain lion is superior. The bear has the advantage in speed.  

Mountain Lion vs Bear: Defenses

Bears have better defenses than mountain lions. This comes in the form of speed, the ability to stand on two legs to tower over threats, and thick skin. All these benefits make it a tough animal to approach. Mountain lions have a terrifying scream, aggressiveness, a large size relative to most mammals, and speed to keep them safe. Although these are great defenses, they are not as profound as a bear’s defenses. Bears have the advantage in terms of defenses.

Mountain Lion vs Bear: Offensive Capabilities

Bears are powerful creatures that can easily kill their foes. These mammals have a bite force of 975 PSI, more than enough to break bones. They use their long teeth to grab prey, their paws to deliver powerful blows, and their 4-inch claws cut deeply into enemies. Their mauling attacks can quickly spell the end of animals, stunning them long enough for the bear to inflict massive damage. The mountain lion also has a strong bite, but it’s not nearly as strong as a grizzly bear. It relies on using its 2.5-inch claws to dig into prey and hold them while the mountain lion goes for a killing strike on the neck or head. In fact, mountain lions will often wrap their forelegs around prey, pin them, and savagely bite them to death. Both animals are very powerful hunters, but the bear has more power behind its attacks.

Mountain Lion vs Bear: Predatory Behavior

Bears are opportunistic predators and scavengers. They are not ambush predators that lie in wait. They find prey in their range and then attack it to significant effect.   Mountain lions are ambush predators. They will stalk their prey and study them before pouncing. Once they do pounce, they’ll try to drag the enemy to the ground with their weight and power while delivering deadly bites. Mountain lions are more skillful predators but not necessarily more successful. Still, they get the advantage in this case.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between a Mountain Lion and a Bear?

A bear would beat a mountain lion in a fight. These creatures have no venom or special attacks, so this fight is not likely to be over in a single blow. Thus, it’s a knock-down, drag-out fight where the bigger, stronger, and deadlier creature wins. The bear fits the bill better than the mountain lion. The best-case scenario for the mountain lion is that it takes the bear by surprise. Even if it did, the bear’s frame is too massive and well-protected to take down with a single bite to the neck, the preferred method of execution for the mountain lion. The dense fur, thick skin, and layer of fat would provide enough protection from the mountain lion. Moreover, it’s hard to sneak up on a creature with such great senses as a bear. Once the initial attack is over, or if the animals started on even ground, the bear would probably stand and tower over the mountain lion. When the animal finally attacks, the bear would bring down its weight and overwhelm the hapless mountain lion. The fight would be bloody and probably last for several minutes. In the end, the bear is going to be injured but alive. The mountain lion will be dinner.