Recently, three species of snake were found under Ecuadorian grave sites. Let’s learn a bit about these spooky reptiles and find out what they were doing there!

Three new species of snake was found living in Ecuadorian gravesites.

When we picture grave sites and cemetaries, we don’t normally think of “rich” biodiversity. In fact, we think of the opposite. Still, even in the places that we relate to death, nature abounds. That is especially true with three new species of snake that were recently found in Ecuador. The snakes are known as “ground snakes”, primarily because they spend their entire lives underground. In fact, many species of ground snake exist all over the world, it’s just that most people never interact with them. The three species are named as follows:

Discovery Ground Snake (Atractus discovery)Atractus zgapAtractus michaelsabini 

A. discovery was found hidden in a small graveyard in a remote “cloud forest” in southeastern Ecuador. A cloud forest is a type of forest that is known for it’s persistent steam and cloud coverage across the region. They are often totally covered in moss and are extremely localized. A. zgap and A. michaelsabini were discovered near an old church and next to a small school, respectively. All of the snakes were located in the Andes Mountains, one of the tallest and largest mountain chains in the world. For the team that discovered the rare snakes, it was a sign that there may just be more out there. Currently, these three snakes are believed to have a small distribution, mostly in Colombia and Ecuador.

How long do Ground Snakes live?

Snakes reach sexual maturity within two to four years. This can also depend on the species of the snake and living conditions. In ideal conditions, adult snakes can live anywhere from 20 to 30 years when living in captivity. These years shorter when living in the wild due to natural predators and humans. Some snakes live much longer lives, and some snakes live much shorter lives depending on species and environment.

Unique and beautiful

The three species of snakes that were discovered are extremely unique, but are also quite beautiful. They are each around 1.2 feet and about an inch or two wide. Overall, they are relatively small. Their coloration, however is quite distinct. A. discovery is a reddish orange color with a bright yellow belly and black center spotting, while A. michaelsabini is a brighter orange color with blackish marks that almost resemble scuff marks. As a ground snake, each species is adept at spending its days under brush and soil. Additionally, ground snakes are almost always nonvenomous. Instead, they hunt small insects that also happen to thrive in the areas that the snakes call home. Some of the most common foods that ground snakes will eat are scorpions, centipedes, and spiders.

What’s Next?

Although the discovery of the three ground snakes is wonderful, the scientists are still worried. Each of the snakes are specially adapted to native forestlands in the jungles of the Andes, a type of habitat that is shrinking. Now that they have been discovered, work must be done to better understand and conserve these beautiful animals. Snakes are often viewed as pests or bad omens, but conservation projects hope to establish safe grounds and educate people on the value of biodiversity. Without snakes, we may find ourselves overrun by hordes of mice and insects! Even more, protecting earth’s rare and beautiful creatures is something that we can all support.

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