A video that went viral not too long ago shows a man and his five dogs at the edge of a mountain that almost touches the clouds. For starters, it takes a lot of courage to hike up a mountain that high and even more patience to do it with five dogs. However, the height of the mountain is not the only astonishing part of the video; there is also a mountain lion on the edge of the mountain, just a few feet away from the man and his dogs. The huge, tan-colored mountain lion is a cat species that is indigenous to North America, Central America, and South America. Also known as cougars or catamounts, these animals are more common in western states in the United States and some parts of Florida.  The video shows the five dogs all howling at the mountain lion, with their owner standing and watching for a while. From the video, it seems that all five of the man’s dogs are American Leopard Hounds. As their name implies, these dogs are famous for their leopard-like skin with spots of different colors scattered around. Essentially, the easiest way to identify them is by their skin. Although these dogs are sometimes covered in leopard-like spots, these spots come in different colors like black, brown, gray, and yellow. These dogs do not usually weigh past 70 pounds or get taller than 27 inches, and because of their size, it might seem ridiculous to have them facing off against a mountain lion which can weigh as much as 160 pounds and is over two feet tall. 

Who Do You Think Would Win in a Fight – A Mountain Lion or an American Leopard Hound?

Ideally, because of their size difference as well as specific features like claws and sharper teeth, a mountain lion can easily floor an American Leopard Hound in a fight. However, American Leopard Hounds are tougher than one would expect. Many people in the comment section of this video were concerned about the safety of the man’s dogs, but these particular hounds are an old breed of very fast hunting dogs, with an excellent sense of smell. These dogs were initially bred to hunt wild animals like mountain lions and can even climb trees. The mountain lion would have won easily if the fight was against one dog, but it might have had more trouble taking down five trained American Leopard Hounds. The man recalling his dogs in the video was more of a precaution than anything else. It’s amazing how well these dogs responded to their owner’s call. The reason for that is that these types of dogs are intelligent, loyal, and easy to train in most cases. However, they sometimes prefer following their nose because they are scent hounds. 

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