Korat Vs Russian Blue Cat Key Differences Explained

By the time we’re done here, you’ll know how to tell these cats apart by their body as well as the place from which they come. Comparing a Korat and a Russian Blue Cat The Key Differences Between a Korat vs Russian Blue Cat The greatest differences between a Korat and a Russian Blue cat include their head shape, fur type, and place of origin. The Korat has a heart-shaped head, originated in Thailand, and has a single coat of short, fine fur that is light blue at the root and darker as it grows before ending in a silvery tip....

December 4, 2022 · 4 min · 807 words · Huong Wilson

Leopard Gecko Tank Setup Ideas

We’ll cover everything you need to know about perfecting your new reptile friend’s home. In addition, we’ve added five great tips to elevate your gecko’s tank setup from basic to something truly extraordinary! Leopard Gecko Tank Setup: The Basics Before you get to playing with elaborate setups and decorations, it’s best to first thoroughly understand the basics your leopard gecko’s tank will need. Although leopard geckos are low-maintenance pets, they still have many unique care requirements that must be met for them to truly thrive in captivity....

December 4, 2022 · 6 min · 1226 words · Carl Martin

Manta Ray Size Comparison How Big Is A Manta Ray

Rays come in many sizes. If you live by the coast or have visited an aquarium, you may be familiar with stingrays. While related to the manta ray, their size doesn’t even come close to their large ocean cousins. After all, could you imagine riding on the back of a stingray? Probably not, but after reading this, you may just see yourself swimming through the ocean on the back of these gentle giants of the deep!...

December 4, 2022 · 6 min · 1083 words · Norman Corliss

Meet Venus The Rare Two Face House Cat

What Makes Venus Such a Unique Cat? So, what makes Venus stand out from other cats? For starters, she has heterochromia which means she has two different colored eyes: one blue and one green. Cats do not normally have blue eyes (other than some Siamese and white cats). On top of that, her face looks like it’s cut in half: one half of her face is jet black, while the other is a red tabby color!...

December 4, 2022 · 2 min · 421 words · Eric Horton

Meet 12 Snakes Of The Euphrates River

Some sources claim that the river’s drainage basin, an area of about 193,051 square miles (500,000 square kilometers), is distributed among 5 countries. Iraq has the largest share with about 47%, Turkey takes about 28%, and Syria 22%. Jordan and Saudi Arabia have small shares with 0.03% and 2.97% each. Consequently, the Euphrates River has many snakes native to these locations in and around it. Here are 12 snakes of the Euphrates River and its surrounding basin....

December 4, 2022 · 5 min · 1034 words · Joe Vanhoy

Meet The 10 Cutest Cats In The World

We mention common characteristics of these breeds, but remember that each cat is its own individual, and personalities can vary widely. When considering adoption, it is wise to contact the chosen organization and ask about the characteristics of the specific cat you’re interested in. Remember that cat adoption is a lifetime commitment, as many cats can live for nearly 20 years. Now, let’s dive into the cuteness! 1. Maine Coon Maine coons are tough kitties, and some of the largest cats around....

December 4, 2022 · 6 min · 1247 words · Beatrice Matos

Mountain Lions In Virginia

Are there mountain lions in Virginia? Sadly, mountain lions no longer live in Virginia. They were last seen in 1882 and have since been killed off. Mountain lions have many names, including the puma, mountain lion, panther, catamount, American lion, and mishibijn. Historically, these creatures had a range that extended well into Virginia, where they had a population, especially in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Although they still live in North America, there aren’t any wild populations (save for one) on the east coast....

December 4, 2022 · 4 min · 852 words · Drew Williams

Never Tell Me The Odds Huge Wolf And Grizzly Both Chase A Baby Elk

Millions of people flock to the park every year. Whether you’re looking for a breathtaking view, an unforgettable camping trip, or are on the lookout for wild animals, there’s something for everyone at Banff National Park. In a video recently uploaded to YouTube, visitors spotted some activity in the rushing water during their visit. Most people fear getting anywhere near an apex predator. Unfortunately for a baby elk, there were two of these beasts chasing him down....

December 4, 2022 · 3 min · 540 words · Carlton Montano

Orca Vs Hagfish What Are The Differences

Comparing an Orca and a Hagfish The Key Differences Between an Orca vs. Hagfish The greatest differences between an orca and a hagfish can be found in their size and morphology. The hagfish resembles a small eel that measures between 1 and 32 inches and weighs up to 3.1 pounds, and the orca is the largest member of the dolphin family, weighing up to 12,000 pounds and growing up to 26 feet in length....

December 4, 2022 · 4 min · 766 words · Emma Stavis

Persian Cucumber Vs English Cucumber 2 Tasty Veggie Like Fruit

One variety is nearly seedless, while the other is smaller and often has a more “rugged” appearance to it. There’s a reason for that, as both have been hybridized and produced with intent. Let’s check out the differences and see which one you might want to bring home to plant. Key Differences Between Persian Cucumber and English Cucumber These two similar cucumber types are useful for many of the same things, but there are definitely some differences....

December 4, 2022 · 8 min · 1507 words · Earl Statler

Plankton Vs Krill How Are They Different

We’ll show you where krill fits into the discussion about plankton, including how they are alike and what makes them different. By the time we have finished, you’ll know how to tell these two beings apart. Comparing Plankton vs. Krill The 5 Key Differences Between Plankton and Krill The most significant differences between plankton and krill can be found in their size and phylogenetic families. All krill are plankton, but not all plankton are considered krill....

December 4, 2022 · 4 min · 744 words · Deborah Luna

Queen Bee Vs Worker Bee What Are The Differences

Comparing a Queen Bee and a Worker Bee The 4 Key Differences Between Queen Bees and Worker Bees In a beehive, the roles of the male and female honey bees generally differentiate them from one another, but there is one specific female bee that has a special and unique role above them all –the queen bee. The queen bee is the most important in a colony, not because she protects the hive but because she is the only one responsible for laying and producing eggs....

December 4, 2022 · 4 min · 778 words · Diana Tiller

Red Eared Slider Lifespan How Long Do Red Eared Sliders Live

These little turtles are one of the most popular pets in the United States! Curious to find out more about them, such as the length of the red-eared slider lifespan? Let’s dive into this semiaquatic species and find out how long red-eared sliders live. The Rundown on Red Eared Sliders The red-eared slider, scientifically known as the Trachemys scripta elegans, is a semi-aquatic turtle in the Emydidaw family. Red-eared sliders may be found throughout the Mississippi Valley of the United States, particularly in West Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois – just to name a few....

December 4, 2022 · 5 min · 952 words · Ola Simpson

Rhamphosuchus Vs Megalodon Who Would Win In A Fight

Let’s imagine a scenario where the rhamphosuchus and megalodon get into a fight. Which animal would have the upper hand? Which animal would ultimately kill or brutally maim the other? I will break this down below. Rhamphosuchus vs. Megalodon — A Comparison First, let’s look at the size, physical characteristics, and behavior of these animals. Key Differences When you think of a megalodon, the first thing that comes to mind is its size and weight and whether any other animal would be able to match it in terms of predatory instinct....

December 4, 2022 · 4 min · 730 words · Paul Dillman

Sea Monsters The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught In Texas

Freshwater Records 5) Smallmouth Buffalo: 82.22 pounds When it comes to buffalo fish you can find three main species in Texas including smallmouth, bigmouth and black buffalo. All are in the sucker fish family but look quite similar as carp. The biggest smallmouth buffalo ever caught in Texas was pulled from Lake Athens on June 13, 1993, by Randy Collins. Lake Athens is a smaller lake about 80 miles SE of Dallas, but it produces some good sized fish....

December 4, 2022 · 7 min · 1325 words · Kevin Nieto

Sea Monsters The 5 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught In Vermont

5) Carp: 35 pounds 1.6 ounces The biggest carp ever caught in Vermont weighed in at 35 pounds 1.6 ounces. Many of the fish on the Vermont State Record Fish list were caught on Lake Champlain. That is where this trophy-sized Carp was reeled in. Kyle Charron caught this one on May 19, 2019. Carp are heavy-bodied freshwater fish that have barbels on the side of their head. They tend to hang out at the weedy bottom of lakes and ponds....

December 4, 2022 · 5 min · 885 words · James Montes

See A Man In Sandals Slap A Huge Python With His Cowboy Hat

Based on the Reptile Database, the family Pythonidae has 41 different species of python. Despite being enormous constrictors, pythons and boas belong to different families. The majority of adult Burmese pythons have a total length of 10 to 16 feet. These serpents have thick bodies and very enormous sizes in general. Their backs and sides are covered with dark brown spots. The patches are irregular in shape and size and have a black border....

December 4, 2022 · 2 min · 400 words · Charles Dixon

See The Deadly Icicle Of Death Wreak Havoc Underwater

The brine is extremely cold and since it is denser than the surrounding water, it starts transforming into a brinicle as it keeps descending. The crew captures this footage at Little Razorback Island, which is located close to Antarctica’s Ross Archipelago. From this underwater view, you watch as the brinicle starts descending like a long curved finger down onto the seabed. It appears to move rapidly, almost like a tornado formation....

December 4, 2022 · 2 min · 375 words · Douglas Panella

Spanish Bluebells Vs English Bluebells What S The Difference

English bluebells are a bit more hearty than their Spanish counterparts. They grow larger and stronger, with thicker stems and leaves that are often greenish-blue or grayish-blue in color. They also have a stronger scent than Spanish bluebells—a deep musky aroma that can fill your home with fragrance when they’re at their peak state of bloom. While these two plants belong to the same genus, they have unique differences and similarities....

December 4, 2022 · 6 min · 1085 words · Jean Cortes

Spider Mating Season When Do They Breed

So when do spiders breed, and when is their mating season? Find out everything you need to know about that and more! A Quick Rundown on Spiders While many assume that spiders are insects, they are classified as arachnids. This is because arachnids have eight legs, while insects only have six. It is estimated that there are 38,000 species of spiders on all continents except Antarctica. It is believed, however, that there are many more spider species to be discovered....

December 4, 2022 · 6 min · 1220 words · Willie Chandler