River Monsters Discover The Largest Fish In The Yangtze River

What is the largest fish in the Yangtze River? The largest fish in the Yangtze River was historically the Chinese paddlefish, although it was officially declared extinct in 2020. As the third longest river in the world, it’s no wonder that the Yangtze is home to some truly massive freshwater monsters. Historically, the largest “river monster” that lived within the Yangtze was the Chinese paddlefish, although the fish was officially declared extinct in 2020....

December 27, 2022 · 3 min · 602 words · Ivan Salcedo

See Wild Geese Stand Off Against Indifferent Cows

Geese Telling Cows What They Think Despite being a lot smaller than the cows, these geese are the ones causing the problem. There are only two of them but they are quite happy to square up to a four or five cows. The geese are adopting a confrontational posture – extending and contracting their necks. They have their beaks open and they are making loud honking noises. The cows are simply staring at them – looking quite bemused....

December 27, 2022 · 2 min · 373 words · Rosa Frey

Sharks Are Older Than Trees Discover The World S Longest Living Animals

Are Sharks really older than Trees? As crazy as it sounds, sharks evolved millions of years before “true” trees had ever evolved on earth. Once you get over the shock of the scope of the evolutionary history on earth, it’s quite fun to compare different evolutionary timelines! Sharks and trees aren’t closely related. Trees, as well as all land plants, evolved from green algae almost a billion years ago, but the journey to becoming the trees that we recognize today would take a bit longer....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 825 words · James Dage

Silverback Gorillas Vs Grizzly Bears Who Would Win In A Fight

Though many people know them or refer to them as “Silverback Gorillas,” the term “Silverback” is actually exclusive to the adult males of the species properly known as the Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei). They are called Silverbacks because of the the silvery sheen that develops over the hair on their backs once they reach adulthood. Because of this, it may be assumed that all references to “Silverback Gorillas” are regarding the adult males of each species....

December 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1132 words · Herbert Tumlin

Swiss Cheese Plant Vs Monstera Is There A Difference

In this article, we will compare and contrast monstera plants with Swiss cheese plants so that you can fully understand the differences between them. Just as a hint: many people do not think there are any differences between monsteras and Swiss cheese plants! Let’s discuss all of these lines of thinking as well as what this beloved houseplant prefers in terms of its care. Comparing Swiss Cheese Plant vs Monstera Key Differences Between Swiss Cheese Plant vs Monstera Depending on who you ask, there are no real differences between a Swiss cheese plant and a monstera....

December 27, 2022 · 3 min · 594 words · Charles Rodriguez

The 10 Best Family Dog Breeds That Are Good With Kids

Which breeds fit the bill? Let’s dive into our pool of the best family dogs. Best Family Dogs: Labrador Retrievers Labrador retrievers are everything we all strive to be: adaptable, confident, patient, hard-working, and kind. They also love to hold things — yet they’re so gentle they can transport eggs in their mouths without breaking them! On the dog fancier circuit, Labrador retrievers are widely considered the best dog for families with children....

December 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1329 words · Joseph Robertson

The 10 Best Fish To Catch In Arizona This Summer

1) Flathead Catfish The largest flathead catfish in Arizona was a 76.52 lbs catfish caught in Bartlett Lake on April 13, 2013 by Eddie Wilcoxson (nicknamed Flathead Ed!). A little nighttime fishing led to Flathead Ed’s lucky catch. At 2 am the flathead started to take the 2lb carp bait and the games began. After a 35-minute struggle using a 60 lb braided line, Eddie was able to reel in the monstrous catfish....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 1004 words · Gladys Dilday

The 10 Craziest Prehistoric Sharks

Yet, prehistoric sharks had even crazier adaptations. In the article below we’ll dive into 10 of the crazies prehistoric sharks. From anvil heads to “chainsaw mouths,” you’ll discover some prehistoric sharks that are mind-blowing! 10. Hybodus Hybodus lived about 303.4 million to 66 million years ago and is possibly one of the longest-living prehistoric sharks of all time. It’s definitely the longest-living one on this list! The Hybodus looked quite similar to modern-day sharks, which can’t be said about the other sharks here, though it did have large spikes that protruded from its dorsal fins....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1652 words · Cynthia Le

The 10 Dogs With The Biggest Ears So Cute

Let’s jump right into our top ten dogs with the biggest ears and learn about what makes them so special! #1: Beagle There’s no doubt that a beagle’s ears are its most easily recognizable feature. But did you know the scientific name for these drops ears or pendant ears? It’s true! Beagles’ ears are thin and floppy, too, since they are made of a semi-soft tissue called cartilage. A beagle’s ears are used for more than just hearing....

December 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1476 words · Carol Dubinsky

The 10 Most Endangered Species On Earth And How To Help

But experts all agree that animals listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List need help. So, to help spread the word about vulnerable species, we’ve handpicked 10 Critically Endangered animals on the brink of extinction to highlight. Let’s dive in! Most Endangered Animal: Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) Saolas are one of the most endangered animals on the planet — and the most elusive! Affectionately dubbed “Asian unicorns,” saolas — pronounced saw-las — evaded human detection till 1992!...

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1520 words · Sarah Paschke

The 5 Best Apps For Birdwatching

Not all birding applications are the same. It’s important to understand what you want to get out of the birding experience when picking the proper application. Are you information focused? Do you want to search for images? Do you want to upload images you’ve taken? These are all questions you’ll want to think about when looking through the birding apps available. The applications we mention are found in most major app stores....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 972 words · George Hangartner

The 5 Ways Dogs Get Mange And How To Help Them Heal

Dogs get mange from wildlife (especially foxes), other dogs, and infested bedding and grooming equipment. It spreads quickly when there are a lot of dogs in one place like in shelters or kennels. Mange needs to be treated by a vet but you can help your dog heal by giving them immune-boosting nutrients. What Is Mange? Mange is a skin condition in dogs. It is caused by tiny little creatures called mites – they are closely related to the ticks that live in long grass....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1584 words · Maurice Matthey

The Best Swimming Holes In California

Red Rock Pool About an hour’s drive from Santa Barbara, in the woodland along the Santa Ynez River, is a swimming hole known as Red Rock Pool. When the river is flowing, the water is deep enough for people to leap off of cliffs at different heights; some adventurers even do so from rocks that are about 35 feet above the water. The pool may be seen down an incline to the right after a short, half-mile hike that includes a hill that is about 50 feet tall....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 772 words · Mary Walker

The Cities At The Biggest Risk Of Deadly Wildfires

1. West Coast, California In 2020, destructive and persistent wildfires burned over 4 million acres of land on the west coast of California alone. The fire eventually spread into Oregon and Washington. These wildfires have devastating impacts on the forests and the environment in general. In addition to the direct danger to life and property, the smoke from these fires was also harmful to public health. Wildfires have been a longstanding threat to California....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 904 words · Blanch Rinaldi

The Flag Of Arizona History Meaning And Symbolism

Founding of Arizona The Spanish were the first European settlers in Arizona, but from 1822 Arizona was part of the state of Sonora in Mexico. However, in 1848 the area north of Gila River became part of the territory of New Mexico in the US following the Mexican – American War. Following this, the US purchased the area south of Gila River in 1854 along with the area that is now southwestern New Mexico....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 832 words · Jean Fedele

Male Vs Female Sapphire Gem Chicken

The Sapphire Gem chicken breed, also known as the Blue Plymouth Rock or Sapphire Blue Plymouth Rock, has become popular among chicken enthusiasts. They are considered designer chickens because they are highly sought after and not widely available. However, if you wish to be a chicken aficionado, you must be aware that hens and roosters have various functions in a flock. So, how do you differentiate the male from the female Sapphire Gem chicken?...

December 26, 2022 · 4 min · 772 words · Cheryl Stlouis

Marylands 9 Best Bird Watching Spots This Summer

Finding a precise figure for the amount of bird species present in North America, the United States, or even the state of Maryland, is challenging. But according to Wikipedia, Maryland is home to at least 455 different bird species. Here are the best 10 locations in the Free State to see a variety of birds all year long. Point Lookout State Park One of the best places in Maryland for birdwatching is Point Lookout State Park; in fact, it ranks second in Maryland for the number of bird species reported on eBird....

December 26, 2022 · 7 min · 1299 words · Louise Briggs

Meet The 7 Largest Landowners In Vermont

Vermont has majestic forests, ski-worthy mountains, and a plethora of covered bridges to explore. It’s become a popular tourist destination for visitors looking to enjoy the outdoors. Hiking trails, campgrounds, and breathtaking vistas are just a few of the outdoor activities available. If residents and visitors want to keep enjoying this state’s pristine beauty, it’ll be up to the top landowners to help make that possible. Who are the big players when it comes to land ownership in Vermont?...

December 26, 2022 · 9 min · 1782 words · Wallace Wooten

Meet The Largest Carnivorous Dinosaur In History Bigger Than A T Rex

What is a Spinosaurus? The Spinosaurus is a massive carnivorous dinosaur that lived on the earth during the Late Cretaceous Period, at least 93.5-99 million years ago. Its name, Spinosaurus, means “spine lizard.” This refers to the large, spiny, fin-like sail on top of its back, at least 6 feet tall. The Spinosaurus is the biggest carnivore ever recorded that we know of. This mammoth dinosaur measures 50 feet in length and weighed 7 ½ tons meaning it trumps even the biggest carnivorous dinosaurs in the size stakes....

December 26, 2022 · 6 min · 1115 words · Nancy Dodd

Michigans 7 Best Bird Watching Spots This Summer

So, there is increasing demand to find the very best bird watching spots but residents and visitors to Michigan will be spoilt for choice this summer. In this area, summer bird watching is classed as June and July and corresponds to the nesting and breeding season. August is the beginning of the fall migratory season. So, here are our top Michigan summer bird-watching locations. #1 Beaver Island Birding Trail If you are new to bird watching, this is a great place to start!...

December 26, 2022 · 8 min · 1526 words · Nathaniel Cox