Meet The Adorably Cute Python That S The Smallest In The World

While yes, pythons tend to be pretty big snakes, you may not realize that there are a few rather small, and dare I say, really cute species. The smallest pythons belong to the genus Antaresia, and its members include the Children’s python and the spotted python. Where to Find the World’s Smallest Pythons To find these snakes, you’ll have to head to Australia, home to more than a dozen python species including the black-headed and woma pythons....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 544 words · Kathleen Stephenson

Meet The Aquarius Spirit Animals And What They Mean

The Water Bearer, Aquarius, and Common Western Zodiac Spirit Animals Aquarius Birthday: January 20 – February 18 The Aquarius zodiac emblem, known as “The Water Bearer,” depicts a human figure with a container for water. The Water Bearer provides figuratively for the world’s physical and spiritual needs. The vessel’s water wipes away the old to make place for the new. The Aquarius zodiac sign is progressive and eager to expand. Aquarians have a knack for imparting information to others in a way that is both engaging and informative....

November 17, 2022 · 13 min · 2568 words · Roy Sansotta

Meet The Huge Ancient Turtles That Used To Roam Earth

What Do Turtles Look Like? With over 300 species alive today, turtles are old animals that have existed on earth for a very long time. Despite all being turtles, each species is different from the other in terms of appearance, habitat, and diet. While some turtles live on land, most turtles are sea turtles and can survive only in water. Their size, length, and color depend on their species, and it is almost impossible to find any two turtles that are identical....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 958 words · Richard Hill

Persimmon Vs Kumquat

In this guide, we’ll discuss their plant classifications, physical characteristics, native ranges and ideal growing conditions, culinary uses, ecological niches. So, without further ado, let’s get to it! Persimmon vs. Kumquat: A Quick Look Plant Classification While persimmon trees and kumquat shrubs may both produce tart, flavorful orange fruits, they belong to entirely different botanical species, genera, and families. The persimmon belongs to the Ebenaceae family of flowering plants, of which there are two genera and over 500 species....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1130 words · Myrtle Gabe

Pet Octopus Do Octopuses Make Good Pets

Let’s take a look at the octopus, its history in captivity and the pet trade, and whether or not they make good companions for the typical pet owner. In this article, you’ll learn if you could get a pet octopus, and if so, would you want one. A Brief Introduction to the Octopus Octopuses are marine invertebrates with eight limbs and soft bodies with no shells. The class they belong in, Cephalopoda, actually means “head foot/feet” in Latin, a nod to these animals’ strange biology and body orientation....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1055 words · Jane Tarpey

Respiration Facts Animals That Breathe Through Gills

Even though there are aquatic animals that don’t breathe through a set of gills, a large percentage do. The way gills work is quite fascinating, and learning more about how animals can respire through gills can give us a better understanding of our aquatic friends. What Are Gills and How Do They Work? The gills’ main function is to supply the animal with oxygen underwater. Animals that live underwater do not breathe the same way animals on land do because of the different environments....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 823 words · Gregory Thomas

Rhino Spirit Animal Symbolism Meaning

Looking at a rhino, you can tell they’re content with their own company. But that’s not the only life lesson they have to offer. Read on to learn all about rhino spirit animal symbolism. Rhino as a Spirit Animal If the rhino is your spirit animal, you are a strong person. You have a thick skin and are not afraid of obstacles. Additionally, you are also a very private person who likes to do things alone....

November 17, 2022 · 8 min · 1541 words · Wayne Osorio

Rottweiler Lifespan How Long Do Rottweilers Live

These dogs were known in Germany for herding livestock and pulling meat carts. They were chosen for this thanks to their build, which ranges from medium to large. Adapting throughout the years, Rottweilers have proven themselves to be hard workers. They are also guardians of the ones they love most. So if you happen to love dogs, love learning about them, or are looking to adopt a Rottweiler, then read on!...

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 893 words · Ellen Teague

Sailfish Vs Swordfish Five Main Differences Explained

For one thing, the two fish belong to different families and aren’t as closely related as some might suppose. The swordfish belongs to the Xiphiidae family and is its only member. The sailfish is part of the Istiophoridae family and is related to marlins and spearfish. Want to learn more about sailfish vs swordfish? Read on to discover other differences between these two magnificent animals. Comparing Swordfish vs Sailfish Here’s a table that can help show the differences between sailfish vs swordfish....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1010 words · James Bolyard

Sand Tiger Shark Teeth Everything You Need To Know

Like most shark species, sand tiger sharks are big and strong and can tear living creatures apart with their teeth. Have you wondered whether or not these sharks have the same teeth as other sharks? This article addresses everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the sand tiger teeth. How To Identify Sand Tiger Sharks Like some other shark species, sand tiger sharks have robust, torpedo-shaped bodies with pointy heads and snouts shaped like cones....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 955 words · Danny Collins

Sea Monsters The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught In Illinois

Illinois has more than a million acres of fishing areas, making it a true angler’s paradise. Fish records in Illinois come in many shapes and sizes. Which begs the question, what are the biggest trophy fish ever caught in Illinois? This article uncovers the 10 biggest trophy fish ever caught in Illinois and other fascinating facts. 1. Largemouth Bass – 13 lbs. 1 oz. On February 15, 1976, angler Edward Walbel caught a 13-pound and 1-ounce largemouth bass at Stone Quarry Lake, the largest ever caught in Illinois....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 943 words · Sharon Vidal

See A Grizzly Bear Ride A Bison Like A Boat In An Incredible Fight At Yellowstone

America’s first national park, Yellowstone National Park, was founded in 1872 and is mostly located in Wyoming. The marvels that surround you in this national park are unlike anything other. Visits to Yellowstone are like entering another universe; it is our first national park and a wonderful wonder to see. This genuinely exceptional national park is full of wonders, from natural wonders like the Yellowstone Grand Canyon to fauna like the nation’s biggest herd of buffalo, brown bears, and wolves....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 582 words · John Barretta

See A Pack Of Wolves Try To Steal This Man S Bed From Underneath Him

The video begins with the camera panning from the top of a carpet, a rudimentary bed, to the bottom. The carpet is being tugged by something. When the camera reaches the bottom of the bed, it reveals that it’s a large canine tugging on the carpet. The wolf isn’t alone, though. Several pairs of eyes reflect the camera’s light. They’re Arabian wolves, an incredibly rare species that may only have about 3,000 members living in the wild....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 459 words · Brigida Barnes

See An Adult Rhino Barrel Down Main Street With Zero Cares Given

The black rhino, the Javan, and the Sumatran are considered highly endangered, while white rhinos fall in the near-threatened category of wildlife species. The population of Sumatran rhinos is approximately 34 to 47, while Javan rhinos are about 76, facing the risk of extinction. The greater one-horned rhinos are also a vulnerable species. About 4,014 rhinos fall under this category. White rhinos are the leading population at about 15,942 animals worldwide....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 464 words · Clark Harmon

See The Cutest And Slowest Family Reunion With A Sloth Mama And Baby

It is possible that the baby sloth fell from the mother’s chest while she was climbing the tree, and this seems to be a common issue with baby sloths. Baby sloths can survive a long fall, but they are vulnerable to predators when they are on the ground. In fact, most baby sloths will fall to the ground when their mother is giving birth. This happens when the mother sloth hangs from lower branches in a tree, and she will go to retrieve her baby that has fallen to the ground....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 321 words · Lorenzo Mezzatesta

See The Horrifying Moment A Key West Spearfisherman Is Attacked By A Reef Shark

Reef sharks are not typically aggressive around people. However, if they spot some food, then all bets are off. Unfortunately for Parker, he was ambushed at the wrong moment—when he was holding a grouper fish. The video opens with a shot of the light blue water and the familiar sounds of water lapping on the surface. You can immediately see the grouper fish that Parker is holding in his left hand and the speargun that he’s holding in his right hand....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 392 words · Helen Milner

Siberian Tiger Vs Bengal Tiger What S The Difference

In this article, we will address these differences in detail so that you can learn how to tell the difference between these two types of tigers. We will also discuss where these cats are commonly found and their levels of endangerment and population amounts. Let’s get started and learn more about them now. Comparing Siberian Tiger vs Bengal Tiger The Main Differences Between Siberian Tiger vs Bengal Tiger There are many key differences between the Siberian tiger vs Bengal tiger....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 764 words · Leo Meritt

Spitting Cobras Why Do They Spit Venom Where Do They Live

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at how spitting cobras manage to spit venom, why they do it, and where they live around the world. That way, you’ll know more about their behaviors and where you can expect to see them in the world. How Do Spitting Cobras Spit Venom? Spitting cobras do not spit venom in the way that mammals might spit. Instead, spitting cobras rely on a unique mechanism to send their venom at their prey....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1002 words · Melissa Hart

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Vs American Staffordshire Terrier 5 Differences

In this article, we will address all of the differences between the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier so that you can have a full understanding of both breeds. We will go over their appearances, sizes, and lifespans. In addition, we will cover their ancestries and behaviors too. Let’s get started and talk about these bull terriers now! Comparing Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs American Staffordshire Terrier Key Differences Between Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs American Staffordshire Terrier There are many key differences between the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 683 words · Kenneth Crain

The 10 Ugliest Animals On Earth

#10 Naked Mole-Rat Naked mole-rats are ugly animals–from their wrinkled skin to their odd facial features to their ugly animal feet. They are blind rodents that live in underground colonies. But their names are a misnomer because the subterranean dwellers are neither moles nor rats. Instead, they’re most closely related to guinea pigs, porcupines, and chinchillas. To be fair, naked mole-rats aren’t even fully nude. Individuals don about 100 hairs over their bodies that serve as navigation whiskers....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1069 words · Steven Ress