Spider Plant Vs Dracaena

We’ll compare the spider plant to dracaena, discussing the plants’ classification, physical characteristics, native ranges, ideal growing conditions, and houseplant care tips. Plant Classification Spider plant is the common name for the species Chlorophytum comosum, a species of houseplant, while dracaena refers to an entire genus of plants. The Dracaena genus contains over 120 species of plants that range from herbaceous perennials to woody shrubs and large trees. Spider Plant vs....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 597 words · Dale Otis

Tennessee S 5 Best Bird Watching Spots This Summer

1. Ensley Bottoms Complex Size: 1,138 acres Number of bird species spotted: 316 Birds to spot: American white pelicans, wading birds, raptors, terns, gulls, northern bobwhite, dickcissel, black-necked stilts, loggerhead shrike, painted bunting, western kingbird, scissor-tailed flycatcher, and Mississippi Kite The Ensley Bottoms Complex, also known as “The Pits”, consists of sludge treatment ponds, fields where sludge is dried, agricultural plots and fields, and some industrial areas. It also has grasslands, lakes, fields, and bottomland forests....

November 16, 2022 · 6 min · 1244 words · Laura Glidewell

The 10 Best Fishing Spots In Virginia This Summer

It’s one of the most tranquil places to fish in Virginia. Nestled in the mountains, it’s the perfect summer destination. There’s plenty of fish, plus all sorts of wildlife. Snakes, shorebirds, pickerel frogs, and salamanders are regular visitors. The 108-acre lake belongs to the Department of Wildlife Resources, and it’s managed beautifully. But this lake is only the start. Virginia has a lot of other gorgeous places you can spend hours or even days fishing....

November 16, 2022 · 5 min · 1017 words · David Silva

The 15 Most Expensive Cat Breeds

But for some people, there’s one particular cat breed they’ve just got to have, with a certain personality and look. An expensive cat is a worthy investment for that special pedigree. Why are some cat breeds so expensive? There are many annual fees that breeders have to pay to remain in business, in addition to fees to register new pure-bred kittens. While there are vast amounts of kittens available for willing pet enthusiasts, cat breeding is done to advance a certain breed, producing the highest quality offspring and expanding the breed’s lines....

November 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1469 words · Brandon Kuehne

The 5 Best Spots For Leaf Peeping In Connecticut Peak Dates Top Driving Routes And More

The peak season for color in Connecticut often occurs around the middle of October, however, it can happen as early as late September. Although the precise timing varies on the weather and other factors, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection publishes a helpful weekly update so you can plan your trip accordingly. You can also go on a gorgeous driving excursion of the leaves if you want to see various autumn foliage all through the state....

November 16, 2022 · 5 min · 1046 words · Brandy Stallard

The 7 Biggest Spiders In Florida

Here, we’ll learn about the seven largest spiders in Florida. We’ll cover where they live, what they look like, what they eat, and how common they are. Number one on our list just might make you cringe! What are the Biggest Spiders in Florida? When determining which spider is bigger, it’s important to take several factors into account. These are the spider’s body size and leg span. Depending on who you ask, any one of these numbers might be used to determine which spiders are the biggest in Florida....

November 16, 2022 · 4 min · 792 words · James Sousa

The 8 Deadliest Flash Floods In History

These events put people’s lives, belongings, property, and environment at high risk, and can lead to fatalities, geographical destruction, and homelessness. Due to the number of factors that contribute to flood risk, flash floods are difficult to forecast. We listed the top eight deadliest flash floods in history according to the devastation they caused. India August 11, 1979, was probably one of the most horrible days in the history of India as one of the deadliest flash floods of all time took place....

November 16, 2022 · 5 min · 1018 words · Vicki Parra

List Of Banned Animals Illegal To Own In The Us

The internet is full of exotic pets, including tigers, parrots, and turtles. They appear cute, colorful, or strange, but owning them might be against the law. Knowledge of the laws that govern wildlife in the United States is important to own exotic animals. However, laws differ greatly from state to state but are all intended to safeguard the public’s well-being and safety from animals deemed dangerous by nature. Therefore, which animals are illegal to own in the US?...

November 15, 2022 · 5 min · 868 words · Louise Perry

Meet The Aries Spirit Animals What They Mean

Aries, along with the signs of Leo and Sagittarius, is ruled by the element of Fire. It represents one of the six positive signs, with Mars as its ruling planet. Aries is one of the signs in the Zodiac represented by an animal. What is the Aries spirit animal? Based on western astrology, let’s dive into the details of Aries spirit animal guide and how it relates to those born under this western zodiac sign!...

November 15, 2022 · 9 min · 1863 words · Christopher Ho

Meet The Largest Land Owners In Michigan

In vast expanses of Michigan — places conquered by forests, waterfalls, and beaches of rocks and sand — there are spots where trees have flourished for hundreds of years and lakes where native fish go unmolested. There are waters where loons nest calmly, and the stunning blue-flag iris grows in abundance along marsh borders and streams. With such irresistible beauty, someone had to possess them. These large portions of the state are owned by only a few firms and individuals....

November 15, 2022 · 5 min · 939 words · Van Mcmorris

Meet The Largest Land Owners In Pennsylvania

Driving across Pennsylvania, you will see that it is highly forested. It is believed that the government owns most of our forestland, but in reality, the federal government owns 27.1% of all land in the United States. A large amount of this is owned by private individuals. But who are the largest landowners in the Keystone State? This article will uncover Pennsylvania’s two largest landowners and other interesting facts....

November 15, 2022 · 4 min · 769 words · Amy Bradbury

Mountain Lion Vs Bear Who Would Win In A Fight

Comparing a Mountain Lion and a Bear What Are Key Differences Between a Mountain Lion and a Bear? The greatest differences between a mountain lion and a bear are their size, morphology, and predatory behavior. Mountain lions are quadrupedal felines that can weigh up to 130lbs and measure 8ft long and use predatory ambush techniques. Bears are semi-quadrupedal mammals that can stand on two feet, weigh 700lbs and grow 10ft long, and are opportunistic predators....

November 15, 2022 · 5 min · 855 words · Michael Macmillan

Mountain Lion Vs Bobcat Who Would Win In A Fight

Since these two tough cats live in the same part of the world, it’s only a matter of time before they have a showdown. So, who wins in a bobcat vs mountain lion fight? We’ve done the research and concluded who would win, so you do not have to. Consider the physical powers, fighting abilities, and other factors that would make a difference in this fight. We’ve broken down the important data to show which of these cats can saunter about like they own the place without looking over its shoulder....

November 15, 2022 · 6 min · 1131 words · Gloria Wasilewski

New Jersey Beaches With The Most Shark Attacks

While New Jersey’s coastlines are not known for frequent shark attacks like Florida’s, the state is still marked by the Jersey Shore Shark Attacks of 1916. This article will explore New Jersey shark attacks and the locations with the most shark attacks on record. New Jersey Darkest Day on the Beach: Jersey Shore Shark Attacks of 1916 When talking about shark attacks in New Jersey, the most notable was the Jersey Shore Shark Attacks of 1916....

November 15, 2022 · 5 min · 1021 words · Brandy Palmore

Parasol Mushrooms A Complete Guide

Let’s take a ganger at this unique fungi in all its pink and “spiked” glory and see what it’s all about. Parasol Mushrooms Classification Scientifically known as Macrolepiota procera, parasol mushrooms are a basidiomycete fungus that is fairly common in well-drained soils. The fungi may be found as solitary growers or as fairy rings in pastures and woodlands. The fungi was first classed as Agaricus procerus by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli, but was later reclassed by Rolf Singer into the Macrolepiota genus where it remains....

November 15, 2022 · 6 min · 1228 words · Harold Poncio

Peace Lily Fertilizer Do You Need It And Other Tips

But do peace lilies need fertilizer? Many people opt to forego fertilizer, and their peace lily plants thrive without it. However, if you want to promote flowering, fertilizing a peace lily on occasion is crucial. Let’s get into everything you need to know about fertilizing your peace lily. What is a Peace Lily? Any species of the Spathiphyllum genus that produce spectacular white blooms are known as peace lilies, and they make lovely interior foliage plants....

November 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1392 words · Madalyn Johnson

Phoenix Spirit Animal Symbolism Meaning

Legend has it that only one phoenix can live at a time. After 500 years of life, they make a nest and set themselves on fire. As the flames die down, a new bird, stronger, and renewed, emerges from the ashes. A rising phoenix inspires hope. What else should you know about this majestic spirit animal? Keep reading to learn all about phoenix spirit animal meanings and symbolisms. What Does It Mean If I Have a Phoenix Spirit Animal?...

November 15, 2022 · 8 min · 1682 words · Robert Ohara

Praying Mantis Lifespan How Long Do Praying Mantis Live

Let’s learn more about this interesting insect and how long a praying mantis typically lives. How Long Does the Average Praying Mantis Live? The lifespan of a mantis depends on the species; smaller ones may live 4–8 weeks, while larger species may live 4–6 months. The lifespan of a praying mantis is up to two years while in captivity. In the wild, smaller species may only live for a month while larger species live about 6 months....

November 15, 2022 · 5 min · 959 words · Kim Moulton

Queen Anne S Lace Vs Baby S Breath What S The Difference

The Queen Anne’s lace is a wildflower with tiny flowers consisting of five or more petals per flower. These plants give any setting an ambiance of gentleness and elegance. Not to mention that the smaller, often white flowers, surround the purple flower standing front and center of the cluster. Baby breath, while slightly similar in appearance to its cousin Queen Anne’s lace, has some key differences. They are a part of the Caryophyllaceae family and are fast becoming the perfect addition to any bouquet....

November 15, 2022 · 6 min · 1086 words · Terrie Hurdle

Sea Monsters The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught In Oregon

10) Bull Trout: 23 pounds 2 ounces Not surprising that the first five fish on our list are either trout or salmon! Bull trout are a less common trout in the US being limited to the Pacific Northwest in states like Oregon. They look very similar to Arctic Chars or Dolly Vardens but they are typically bigger. The biggest bull trout ever caught in Oregon was a 23 pound 2 ounce trout caught by Don Yow back in 1989....

November 15, 2022 · 7 min · 1314 words · Melissa Mirabal