Real Life Ninja Turtles Team Up To Help Their Friend Stuck Upside Down

A bale of turtles was enjoying a refreshing body of water when one of them accidentally flipped himself upside down. He was spinning around in circles, struggling to get back up. When paddling, severe respiratory illnesses in turtles, such as those brought on by vitamin A deficiency, can cause them to tilt to one side and topple over. The mucous membranes in a turtle’s eyes, mouth, and respiratory tract change when they are deficient in vitamin A....

November 11, 2022 · 3 min · 468 words · Ann Jensen

Rhino Vs Elephant Differences And Which Would Win In A Fight

Elephants are much taller, reaching heights of 10 to 12 feet, while rhinos are nearly half as tall at 4 to 6 feet in height. Standing next to each other you can tell a huge difference. So, what do these large animals have in common and what makes them different? If they met in the wild who would win the battle? Do they have similar habitats and come into contact with one another?...

November 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1186 words · Don Sequeira

Russian Blue Cat Vs Chartreux Cat What Are The Differences

Let’s consider each mammal individually and see what makes them special. Comparing a Russian Blue Cat and a Chartreux Cat The Key Differences Between a Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat The greatest differences between a Russian Blue Cat and a Chartreux Cat include their head shape, place of origin, and body morphology. The Russian Blue Cat is a feline from Russia that has a slender body and a long thin tail with a wedge-shaped face, but the Chartreux Cat is from France, has a muscular and broad body with thin legs, and possesses a rounded head with a muzzle that makes people believe the cats are smiling at times....

November 11, 2022 · 4 min · 799 words · Lawrence Brindley

Sea Monsters The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught In Minnesota

#10 Chinook Salmon: 33 pounds 4 ounces When you think of salmon you may picture a mass migration of salmon swimming upstream during spawning season. Some salmon have adapted to different ecosystems. There are salmon that are landlocked and others, like those in Minnesota, that spend most of their lives in Lake Superior. They swim up streams and tributaries during spawning where there life cycle ends and they die. Chinook salmon are the largest of the salmon found in Minnesota with most not growing much bigger than 10 pounds, however there are exceptions....

November 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1386 words · Donald Webb

Sea Monsters The 10 Biggest Trophy Fish Ever Caught In South Carolina

The 5 Biggest Freshwater Trophy Fish Ever Caught in South Carolina 5. Channel Catfish – 58 Pounds Catfish are some of the biggest freshwater fish present in South Carolina’s waters. Here you can find channel, flathead, and blue catfish in the rivers, around dams, and in many of the lakes. The biggest channel catfish ever caught in South Carolina is also the biggest channel cat ever caught in the world! Back in 1964, W....

November 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1263 words · Mamie Lavell

Sea Vs Ocean The Key Differences

Seas are small portions of an ocean. They are located in areas where ocean and land meet.Seas areas can be further broken up into multiple smaller seas that attach to separate shoresIn general, seas are partially enclosed by land as opposed to larger oceans which surround large land masses.An ocean can have separate seas. In science, there is usually a technical term for everything. The somewhat nebulous definition of a sea is one of the things that makes the difference between a sea and an ocean so interesting....

November 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1434 words · Sonia Gilmore

See This Real Life Air Bud Put On An Astonishing Athletic Display

There are two women on one side of the volleyball net and a gentleman with his dog, a black Labrador retriever, playing on the other side. Yeah, you read that right. This dog is playing volleyball. In fact, this pup is a very active participant. Each player runs around, following the ball. At one point, the guy playing with the dog hits the ball, as if serving it to the black dog....

November 11, 2022 · 2 min · 377 words · Charles Raymond

Siberian Tiger Vs Grizzly Bear Who Would Win In A Fight

We’ll show you which animal has the greatest advantages and how the fight would turn out. Comparing a Siberian Tiger and a Grizzly Bear What Are Key Differences Between a Siberian Tiger and a Grizzly Bear? The greatest differences between a Siberian tiger and a grizzly bear are based on their morphology and hunting methods. Siberian tigers are quadrupedal felines with long bodies and long tails which prefer to stalk and ambush their prey....

November 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1072 words · Jacques Denault

Snake Lifespan How Long Do Snakes Live

In this article, we will discuss what life is like for many different species of snake, as well as how their species affects their overall lifespan. The snake life cycle will also be discussed here, as it is a fascinating process. Let’s get started! How Long Do Snakes Live? Snakes live an average of 2-8 years in the wild, and many live double this amount in captivity. Predation is one of the biggest enemies to a snake’s long and healthy life....

November 11, 2022 · 5 min · 977 words · Kristen Brown

The 10 Largest Frogs In The World

Usually, we would think of frogs as being quite small (especially baby frogs!) – we certainly wouldn’t expect there to be a frog that is bigger than a pet cat, or one with a mouth so wide it can swallow other frogs whole. In fact, there are a lot of giants in the frog world, with one species that can weigh more than 7 pounds! Here are the largest frogs in the world ranked by their length....

November 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1304 words · Lydia Gordon

The Absolute Best Camping Near Houston

1) Lake Conroe/Houston KOA Holiday Less than an hour away is one of the nicest campgrounds in the area. The great thing about camping at a KOA is they have so many amenities right at the campground you may be tempted to never venture out. The Lake Conroe/Houston campground has a swimming pool, hot tub, jumping pillow, basketball, playground and stocked fishing lake (see what I mean?). But it is also only two minutes to Lake Conroe (eight minutes to Lake Conroe Park) so you are going to want to leave the campground to enjoy the swimming beach, marina and great fishing....

November 11, 2022 · 5 min · 926 words · Jean Kong

The Best Swimming Holes In Tennessee

This is one of the nicest things to do in the area. The water is pure and crisp since the state essentially rests on a limestone bed. Whenever you visit one of these natural wonders, exercise caution. Keep a close eye on your companions at all times because there won’t be a lifeguard there to pull you out from the water. Harpeth River State Park The 40-mile-long Harpeth River State Park is a linear area that looks after nine river access points....

November 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1254 words · Guadalupe Sojka

The Best Swimming Holes Near Phoenix

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park There are a ton of extremely magnificent sights to visit in the Payson and Mogollon Rim region. Tonto Natural Bridge is a fantastic location just off the highway where you can take a moderate climb, see the enormous cave, have a refreshing swim, and enjoy a stunning small waterfall. It’s quite peaceful, and you can decide whether to take the shorter hike and spend half a day there or the longer one and milk it for everything it’s worth....

November 11, 2022 · 5 min · 892 words · Robert Loomis

The Different Types Of Evergreen Trees

On the other side of the spectrum, you can find deciduous plants. They can be easily mistaken for evergreen plants, as they keep their foliage on for most of the year. However, deciduous plants are left without foliage when the autumn or winter season hits. As mentioned, mainly shrubs and trees are evergreen plants. In this article, we’ll tackle trees, which are quite varied and incredibly beautiful. Depending on the location you’re visiting, knowing which tree is evergreen will certainly make your exploration of the surrounding areas more interesting!...

November 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1650 words · Rachel Cucco

The Flag Of Alaska History Meaning And Symbolism

Founding and Characteristics of Alaska Alaska was inhabited by indigenous people for several thousand years before European settlers arrived. Russians were some of the first to arrive in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By 1799 they had control of the area. After a stint as part of Russian America the land was sold to the US in 1867 for $7.2 million and became known as the Department of Alaska. This purchase was unpopular at the time with other officials in the US and deemed to be “folly”....

November 11, 2022 · 5 min · 992 words · Sara Laureano

The Flag Of Australia History Meaning And Symbolism

Founding of Australia Before the British settled in Australia in 1788, many indigenous groups lived within the region, and up to 250 languages were spoken by these groups. Experts have estimated that Australia’s population before British settlement ranges from 300,000 to one million people. New South Wales was a colony that the British founded in Australia, and Britain sent convicts and felons to New South Wales until other areas within the country were established to receive them....

November 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1293 words · Shaneka Bollinger

Jailbreaking Dog Breaks Free Hikes 2 Miles And Rings Doorbell At Home

“Dexter the dog is ringing the doorbell at his home in Kansas,” said a news anchor covering the event. “But no one is answering.” The video shows the dog pawing at the door to be let inside. He rings the bell and waits patiently for someone in his family to open the door. But Jeremy and Sarah, his owners, aren’t able to open the door. They can just watch the alert that someone is at the door and laugh at the antics of their adorable dog, Dexter....

November 10, 2022 · 2 min · 418 words · Peggy Smith

King Cobra Vs Cobra What S The Difference

However, there are actually many traits and features that set them apart from one another. But what might some of these features be, and how can you learn to tell them apart? In this article, we will address all of the ways in which a king cobra is different from the general classification of cobra. We will discuss their physical differences as well as their behavioral differences. That way, you can learn how to tell common cobras apart from the king cobra....

November 10, 2022 · 4 min · 848 words · Hattie Schrecengost

Know The Facts 6 Black Snakes In North Carolina

North Carolina offers a diverse range of environments enveloped in hot and humid temperatures for a large portion of the year. This is ideal for snakes which is why so many of them call North Carolina home. Almost all snakes brumate around the same time in North Carolina since the state experiences a noticeable winter. What are some other interesting facts about 6 of the black snakes in North Carolina?...

November 10, 2022 · 5 min · 970 words · Maxie Christiansen

Largest Ever Dragon Of Death Fossil Discovered

The discovery was actually of two separate animals together on an outcrop in the Mendoza province of Argentina. This makes this fossil the largest-ever pterosaur discovered in South America. The Thanatosdrakon amaru is a newly discovered azhdarchid species belonging to a large family of flying predators that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period. The species’ name is a combination of the words Thanatos (Greek word for death) and drakon (which means death)....

November 10, 2022 · 5 min · 1043 words · Deborah Joseph