From birth to old age, let’s discuss what life is like for this small breed of dog. This article will go over the average pug life span, their life cycle, and how you can further extend the life of your pet pug. Let’s get started.

How Long Do Pugs Live?

The average pug life span lasts between 12-15 years. Some pugs live much longer than that, and some have even lived close to 20 years. However, given their ability to gain weight quickly and their overall respiratory issues, many pugs don’t live longer than 15 years. Like many different species of animals, most female pugs live longer than male pugs.  Most pugs prefer to live in climates that aren’t too hot, given their many breathing difficulties. Speaking of breathing difficulties, many pugs also experience issues with their eye health as well. Pugs have almost bulging eyes, and they often experience glaucoma and other sight issues later in life.

The Average Pug Life Cycle

Curious to learn more about the average pug life cycle? Let’s go over what a pug’s life is like, from newborn age to senior dog. 

Newborn Pugs

Like any breed of dog, newborn pugs are born without the use of their senses and legs. They are completely blind and rely upon their mother for everything they need. The main thing to consider when taking care of a newborn pug is that they will typically breathe harder than regular dogs given the genetic makeup of their face.  After the first two weeks of eating and sleeping, the average pug puppy begins to gain its senses. It will soon be able to walk enough to tire itself out, see its world, and hear its littermates and mother. 


Pug puppies are best trained after they’ve reached four weeks of age. They can also begin eating regular dog food at this time, though it is best to still include their mother’s milk into their daily meals.  It is best that your pug puppy is socialized during this early time of their life. Keeping a pug puppy litter together can be beneficial for their overall development and moods, as well as their nature when dealing with humans.  After two to three months of age, a pug puppy can be adopted into a home and fully spayed or neutered. Pug puppies are curious, mischievous, and eager to please, making them ideal family dogs capable of learning tricks with positive reinforcement. 

Adult Pugs

Your pug will be considered an adult by the age of 1-2 years old. They will still be excited to play and curious about the world around them well into their adult years. However, their personalities will mellow out a bit by this point of their lives.  Most adult pugs reach their senior life by the age of seven or eight years old. They may begin experiencing more health issues during this time, but for the most part they will simply be less inclined to be active.  You may have already noticed this if you own a pug. They can be difficult to motivate without treats, and it is important not to exercise them too much given their squished face and breathing difficulties. Too much exercise can indeed be a bad thing for a pug! Your senior pug may also experience some joint and bone health troubles during this time, as most older dogs do. Besides their diets, you should pay special attention to your pug’s eyes at this point as well. They are prone to many eye and skin issues, which should not be overlooked.  There are still many ways to extend the life of your pug. Let’s learn about that now.

How to Extend the Life of Your Pet Pug

No matter what breed of dog that you own, extending the life of your pet should be what any dog owner wants to do. If you are wondering how to extend the life of your pet pug, here are some helpful tips:

Maintain a healthy diet. Since your pug can’t be exercised as frequently as any other dog with a longer nose, you should make sure that your pug’s diet is closely monitored. Make sure you are feeding them a set amount of food per day rather than guessing, and feed them high-quality food. Avoiding dog food high in additives is a good idea, and you may also consider giving them treats rarely.Keep their skin healthy. Pugs have a lot of wrinkles and folds, which makes them cute. But it can also lead to itchy skin and many other health issues down the line. By taking care of their skin early on, your pug will develop happily and healthily.See a veterinarian regularly. Your pug’s health will greatly improve if it is monitored consistently by a medical professional. Having a vet that you trust to see your pug regularly can be one of the best things you can do for their health. This way, you can alert your vet of any changes to your pug’s overall health, and they may have better insights if they have known your pug for most of his or her life.