In this article, we will go over all of the details of both of these dog species, including their sizes and physical appearances so that you can learn how to tell them apart. We will also address their ancestry and breeding, along with their behavioral differences and life spans. Let’s get started and talk about Puggles and pugs now! 

Comparing Puggle vs Pug

Key Differences Between Puggle vs Pug

There are many key differences between a Puggle and a pug. Puggles are larger than pugs, in both height and weight. Pugs have shorter snouts and a more squished face compared to the face of the Puggle. Additionally, the pug dog breed is an ancient breed of dog, while Puggles are a more modern cross breed. Finally, the Puggle lives longer than the pug on average, due to its healthier breeding. Let’s discuss all of these differences in more detail now. 

Puggle vs Pug: Size

Given that a Puggle is a cross between a pug and a beagle, you can no doubt guess that the average Puggle is bigger than the average pug. The body of the Puggle is longer and leaner than the body of a pug, and Puggles are taller than pugs by a decent amount. For example, Puggles reach anywhere from 13-15 inches tall, while pugs average 10-13 inches tall total. Puggles also weigh more than pugs do, given their beagle bloodline. Pugs weigh an average of 14-20 pounds, while Puggles weigh 25-30 pounds, depending on gender. You can likely tell that Puggles are larger than pugs when looking at the two dogs side by side.

Puggle vs Pug: Appearance

Another difference between the Puggle and pug is their physical appearance. The pug is found in far fewer colors than the Puggle. These colors include black and fawn, while Puggles come in fawn, red, black, white, and tan. However, the most obvious difference between a Puggle and a pug is the shape of their nose or snout. The Puggle has a more elongated nose compared to the squished nose of the pug. Both of these dogs have wrinkles throughout their face and body, but the Puggle has a leaner body compared to the sturdy and compact body of the pug. Additionally, the ears of the Puggle are often longer than the ears of the pug, but it depends on the individual dog’s genetics.

Puggle vs Pug: Ancestry and Breeding

You no doubt know that pugs are purebred dogs, but Puggles are not. In fact, Puggles are a combination of a pug and a beagle, while Pugs are always purebred dogs. The pug breed originated long ago, and they were prized amongst royals as lap dogs and companion animals. Puggles are bred to resemble pugs, but they are healthier overall due to their beagle genes.

Puggle vs Pug: Behavior

There are some behavioral differences between pugs and Puggles. The average pug enjoys sleeping and remaining close to their owner’s side, while Puggles are more active dogs overall. In fact, Puggles are extremely friendly and easy to train, making them ideal in family situations with young children. The average pug does not always enjoy young children, while Puggles are extremely patient dogs. While this isn’t necessarily a behavioral issue, the Puggle has fewer health issues compared to the average pug. Many pugs suffer from respiratory issues due to their breeding and facial compositions, while Puggles do not suffer from the same health concerns.

Puggle vs Pug: Lifespan

A final difference between the Puggle and the pug is the lifespan of both of these dogs. The average Puggle lives longer than the average pug, though not by very many years. Both dogs have similar lifespans, though Puggles are healthier than pugs overall due to their beagle breeding and genetics. Let’s take a closer look at these figures now. Puggles live an average of 12-15 years, while pugs live 10-14 years depending on their individual breeding and health. Given the size of both of these dogs, it is incredibly important to maintain an exercise program and healthy meal plan, especially for your pet pug!