The plant’s leaves do not form a head — as with headed cabbage — and vary in color from yellow-green to white to reddish-purple. Although there are several kale cultivars scattered throughout the world, only three variations are commonly found in North American markets. Among them, the best-known is “curly kale,” the type of green kale you’ll usually find in a grocery store. Another more uncommon variety of green kale is “Tuscan kale,” characterized by a deeper green color. Lastly, popping up here and there at more gourmet natural food stores is “Red Russian kale,” known for its dark purple stems and greyish-green leaves. Further below, we’ll cover what makes them unique and why you should pick one over the other!

Comparing Red Kale vs. Green Kale

Key Differences Between Red Kale vs. Green Kale

Color isn’t the only differentiator between these healthy, delicious varieties of kale. They differ significantly in flavor and nutritional value, as well as in how they’re grown and where they originate from. We’ll delve into their key differences in the following sections!

Red Kale vs. Green Kale: Origin

Red kale stems from Siberia and parts of Northern Europe. Consequently, it is tremendously hardy and capable of withstanding cold temperatures. Russian traders introduced the variety to North America in 1885. Among the green types, curly-leaved varieties of cabbage already existed in Greece and Anatolia as early as 2000 BC. Tuscan kale, another commonly found type of green kale in the U.S., dates to the 18th century in northern Italy.

Red Kale vs. Green Kale: Description

Red Russian kale has reddish-purple stems and similarly colored veins on wavy-margined, slate-green leaves. Interestingly, cool weather intensifies and darkens its color. Mature plants are of medium height, and leaves are typically tender compared to other kales. Curly kale shows green, tightly curled frilly leaves and thick, light green central stems. It grows up to 2 feet tall. Tuscan kale is mainly characterized by its slender, elongated, highly textured dark green leaves. It can grow up to 3 feet tall.

Red Kale vs. Green Kale: Growth and Harvesting

Red kale grows best in cold climates, though it can effectively grow in warmer temperatures. It should be planted in full sun, preferably from early spring to early summer. It needs about an inch of water per week, varying on the climate you’re growing it at. It’ll be ready for harvest when the leaves are about the size of your hand — typically around 50 days after sowing. Green kale should also be planted in full sun, though these varieties can also grow in partial shade, needing about six to eight hours of light per day. Like red kale, they should be given an inch of water per week and preferably grown in slightly cooler climates. You should harvest them about 60 days after they are seeded. Keep in mind that you can harvest them earlier — about 25 to 30 days after sowing — and still make great use of the “baby kale,” which is a nutritional powerhouse rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins.

Red Kale vs. Green Kale: Nutrition and Benefits

Red kale, like other kale varieties, is a low-calorie, low-fat, and low-carb food that supplies ample amounts of protein. It is also an excellent source of iron, magnesium, potassium, and dietary fiber. Eating it regularly may promote heart and eye health while preventing certain types of cancer. Green kale, while containing almost identical nutrients to red kale, will provide substantial amounts of vitamins A, B6, K, and C. It is also impressively high in antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, like other leafy greens. Including it in your diet will strengthen your bones and immune system.

Red Kale vs. Green Kale: Flavor and Uses

Red Russian kale presents a slightly sweet and earthy, almost-nutty flavor. It is a great option to toss raw into salads, omelets, and soups. Some people even shred it and use it as a bitter ingredient for juices and smoothies. Curly kale has a strong bitter, peppery flavor when eaten raw. Like many other leafy greens, it also presents an earthy taste. It can be eaten raw but is generally cooked or steamed into purées and soups. Many like stir-frying it in olive oil alongside onions and garlic, later mixing the concoction in salads and stews. Tuscan kale comes with a deep, earthy flavor, albeit less bitter and with a nutty sweetness, similar to red kale. Like all other types of kale, you can eat it raw or cooked alongside other vegetables, later to become a salad or included as an ingredient in homemade recipes.

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