A family in Reservoir Hills, South Africa got the surprise of a lifetime when a black mamba managed to slither its way into their home! Two men make their way into the house, one with a bucket in hand. As the man with the camera opens the door to a bedroom, we see the giant serpent slithering around the floor!  The black mamba is the longest snake in Africa and can grow to be the perfect length. Black Mambas can grow much larger than their typical seven-foot length. The longest black mamba ever recorded measured 11 feet long! Although they have been known to grow a little, they have never grown longer than 13 feet. The people involved in this situation assume something outside must’ve spooked the snake and he took shelter in their home. As the man continues to walk further into the room, it looks as if the slithery critter is trying to hide or make an escape. 

Catch and Release

The man filming eventually is able to grab the snake with a device and eventually hold it in his hands. With black mambas being so dangerous, we can only imagine the fright he was feeling at the moment! His name is Nick Evans and he’s a professional snake rescuer – so maybe he’s a little braver than the average Joe.  Although the black mamba is frequently regarded as one of the world’s quickest serpents, Evans said he is “not convinced” that this is accurate to the snakes he has interacted with. He says, “Here in South Africa, I’ve seen some snakes move which I’m sure are quicker.” The fact that the snake’s venom is exceptionally quick-acting is another factor in its widespread dread. Its venom can occasionally kill a human after a bite in as little as 20 minutes. It is challenging to estimate how long it would take, though.  It depends on the amount of venom administered, how each person responds, and the location of the puncture on the body. Death could occur right away or in a few hours. While black mamba bites are extremely serious, they are rarely deadly if they take place in a region with easy access to doctors and antivenom.

Is It Normal For Black Mambas to Come Inside Houses?

For whatever reason, it is not unheard of for these snakes to come inside buildings, but black mambas are shy if they actually come across humans. However, if they are cornered, they will strike to defend themselves! If a black mamba happens to enter your home or become released in a space, it is absolutely best to call professionals to extract the snake. You can see from the video that they will be more than helpful. And these snakes can be extremely large!

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Want to know more about other venomous snakes around the world? Keep reading!

Discover the 4 Types of Mambas: Is the Black Mamba the Deadliest of All?Black Mamba Bite: Why it has Enough Venom to Kill 19 Humans & How to Treat ItWhich is More Venomous: Rattlesnake vs Black Mamba?Why the Black Mamba is the World’s Most Dangerous Snake