Let’s consider each mammal individually and see what makes them special.  

Comparing a Russian Blue Cat and a Chartreux Cat

The Key Differences Between a Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat

The greatest differences between a Russian Blue Cat and a Chartreux Cat include their head shape, place of origin, and body morphology. The Russian Blue Cat is a feline from Russia that has a slender body and a long thin tail with a wedge-shaped face, but the Chartreux Cat is from France, has a muscular and broad body with thin legs, and possesses a rounded head with a muzzle that makes people believe the cats are smiling at times. These are the primary differences between a Russian Blue Cat and a Chartreux, but they are not the only ones. Let’s do a deep dive into these two felines and see the many ways we can differentiate them from one another.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Size

The Russian Blue Cat and the Chartreux are similar in size. On average, a Russian Blue Cat weighs about 7-12 pounds, grows 10 inches tall, and measures 18 inches long by the time it’s done growing. The Chartreux Cat has similar measurements. It weighs between 6 and 14 pounds, stands 11 inches tall, and measures up to 18 inches long. The similarity in their sizes makes it easier for people to confuse one cat for another.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Head Shape

The Chartreux Cat has a round, broad head with plump cheeks. They have a unique muzzle shape that can make them look as though they are smiling. However, the head shape of a Russian Blue Cat is triangular or wedge-shaped. This is a more angular head shape than the Chartreux. Head shape is probably the best way to tell the cats apart from one another.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Ears

The Chartreux Cat and the Russian Blue Cat have ears of different shapes. The Chartreux Cat has medium-length ears with rounded tips. Meanwhile, the Russian Blue Cat has long ears with point ends on them.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Eye Color

The purebred Russian Blue Cat is known for having gorgeous green eyes that are reminiscent of the color of emeralds. The Chartreux cat is different, though. This cat most often has copper-colored or orange eyes.  

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Body Morphology

The Chartreux Cat is known as a medium-sized feline with a “primordial” body type. This refers to the cat’s muscular body, broad chest, and somewhat thin legs. Meanwhile, the Russian Blue Cat has a slender body type along with a long, somewhat thin tail. The body type of these two cats makes it easy to tell them apart from one another.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Place of Origin

As the cat’s name says, the Russian Blue Cat is from Russia. The Chartreux Cat is from France, and it is a rare breed these days.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Fur Type

Both the Russian Blue Cat and the Chartreux Cat are known for having a double coat of fur. The Russian Blue Cat has guard hairs that end in a silvery tip that gives them their unique sheen. As a whole, their fur is short and thick with a mix of blue, gray, and black that gives them their blue coloration. The Chartreux Cat also has a double coat of fur, but it is silver-gray. That tends to result in a lighter blue color instead of a deep blue. Still, this cat also has short fur with a thick texture that makes it somewhat similar to the Russian Blue Cat.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Lifespan

On average, you can expect a Russian Blue Cat to live for between 15 and 20 years with proper veterinary care and the right nutrition from good cat food. The Chartreux does not have the same longevity, though. This cat averages 12 to 15 years of life on average.

Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat: Temperament

Most Russian Blue Cats are characterized by their intelligence and their propensity for learning tricks like playing fetch with their owners. They are known for being well-behaved and loyal. Also, they are energetic cats. The Chartreux Cat is known for being intelligent and quiet, just like the Russian Blue. Yet, this cat prefers to love people from afar. As such, it is easy to describe this animal as affectionate yet aloof. Now that we’ve looked closer at the Russian Blue Cat vs Chartreux Cat, it’ll be easier for you to tell them apart. They might have the same color fur, but they are different in many other facets. One thing is certain, though. Both of these breeds make for great pets.