Depending on your age, you may even remember when they became a huge fad. If talking about Sea-Monkeys has you going down memory lane, then you might want to stick around. We’ve gone through the trouble of finding out all the cool facts you may have never known! This includes learning about how long Sea-Monkeys live and what factors impact their lifespan.

The Rundown On Sea-Monkeys 

Sea-monkeys is the brand name that was marketed for a species known as Artemia NYOS (named after the New York Oceanic Society, which is the lab that they were made in). A variety of brine shrimp species were used in their creation and they were sold as ‘instant’ pets. In nature, they do not exist.  It was the fact that these shrimp went into a condition of cryptobiosis (much like cryosleep in sci-fi movies, where the body shuts down for a time) when frozen, completely dried, or depleted of oxygen that made them appear in an instant in tanks. When the circumstances return to normal, they come back to life, breathing through their feet. This is what made Sea-Monkeys appear to be so magical!  Because they had the ability to turn themselves on and off, they could be sold when cryptobiotic and simply introduced to saltwater. They would then immediately spring to life. 

How Long Do Sea-Monkeys Live?

How long do Sea-Monkeys live? The average lifespan of a Sea-Monkey is two years. There have been cases of Sea-Monkeys living up to 5 years with the proper care from owners. However, they multiply rapidly, so as long as you care for them correctly and remove the dead ones from the tank, you should have an endless supply of them.  Now that we’ve covered how long do Sea-Monkeys live, let’s investigate their life cycle.

The Average Sea-Monkey Life Cycle 

Having figured out how long Sea-Monkeys live, let’s explore their life stages. Brine shrimp have a unique life cycle. 


Brine shrimp have a unique birthing process in which they generate eggs known as cysts that may survive for lengthy periods of time, sometimes up to 25 years under the correct circumstances. When Sea-Monkeys are in their cyst stage, they completely rely on their own energy stores to survive. In their early stages of growth, the cysts effectively serve as food reserves for the shrimp. The eggs in the Sea-Monkey kit are wrapped in a chemical substance called “Instant-Life Crystals” by Von Braunhut, which helps preserve the eggs in the kit that helps them live long before being activated.  


They are less than half a millimeter in size when they initially hatch and begin eating efficiently in their new surroundings. Sea-Monkeys may develop quickly under the right conditions. They have around a dozen life phases, and they molt between each one. 


With high temperatures, well-oxygenated water, and plenty of food, they’ll reach adulthood in just over a week. It will take at least six weeks if less care is paid. Sea-Monkeys grow from having one eye to having three during the course of their lives. A Sea-Monkey, fully grown, can reproduce sexually as well as asexually.

What Factors Impact The Sea-Monkey’s Lifespan?

Sea-Monkeys are low-maintenance pets, which makes them perfect for anyone with a busy life. They’re also great as a first pet for kids. However, there are a few factors that will negatively impact their lives.  These include: 

Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is one of the most dangerous threats for Sea-Monkeys. Carbon dioxide is a gas that all species create naturally, although it is more significant to aquatic animals than to terrestrial animals. Some of the carbon dioxide in water react to generate a molecule known as carbonic acid. Although this is a mild acid, it is powerful enough to kill brine shrimp. Sea-Monkeys will not be able to utilize the oxygen in your tank if there is too much carbonic acid present. They suffocate as a result.Chemical cleaners: Cleansers that contain chemicals can be lethal to sea creatures. Any soaps or detergents coming into contact with Sea-Monkeys can instantly kill them. Make sure to wash anything off thoroughly before introducing it to the tank. Direct sunlight: Sea-Monkeys need to be in warm water to live happily. However, keeping them in direct sunlight will significantly harm and kill them. You will essentially be boiling them to death. 

How To Extend The Life Of Your Pet Sea-Monkey 

Understanding how long do Sea-Monkeys live gives us a better understanding of brine shrimp and how to keep them as a pet. Since they are relatively low maintenance, there isn’t much that can be done to harm them. However, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that they live for as long as possible.  These are the best tips for keeping your Sea-Monkey alive for longer:

Regularly aerate your tank: One of the most critical aspects of caring for and keeping your Sea-Monkeys alive is aeration. Aerating is the process of adding oxygen to the tank’s water. To survive and grow, Sea-Monkeys require oxygen-rich water. Aerate your tank at least once a week.Properly feed your Sea-Monkeys: After you’ve given your Sea-Monkeys growth food, you should feed them every five days. This ensures that they have adequate food to develop and thrive in your aquarium.Avoid cleaning the water in the tank unless necessary: You may notice that the water in your tank is foggy or unclean from time to time. When this occurs, do not drain or clean the water. There’s a good chance there’s too much food or other organic stuff in the tank. You must allow the monkeys enough time to completely clean out the tank on their own. Simply stop feeding them for a short period of time.