Based on the Reptile Database, the family Pythonidae has 41 different species of python. Despite being enormous constrictors, pythons and boas belong to different families. The majority of adult Burmese pythons have a total length of 10 to 16 feet. These serpents have thick bodies and very enormous sizes in general.  Their backs and sides are covered with dark brown spots. The patches are irregular in shape and size and have a black border. A cowboy can be seen in a viral Youtube Short as he approaches a giant python in someone’s front yard.  Instead of being frightened as most humans would be, the man takes his cowboy hat and tells the snake to calm down. He takes the hat and places it between himself and the massive python. The snake lunges multiple times at the hat before slithering in the opposite direction.  Non-venomous, Burmese pythons have been known to bite in self-defense. Smaller pythons, often pose no threat to humans or animals. Larger Burmese Pythons, on the other hand, have extremely pointed teeth, and their strikes can result in severe lacerations. Dogs and cats can also be easily consumed by large animals. Almost all snake bites happen when they are purposefully bothered.

Sneaky Snake

Burmese pythons generally hide out in thick jungle to avoid being discovered. Adults and children can both assault the attacker swiftly if they are cornered. They can nip the attacker and cling on while squirming and constricting if they are caught or trapped. However, these snakes are not hostile, and they only strike in self-defense in extreme cases. A cheeky comment on the video of the interaction reads, “This one time i can appreciate a HOA community.” Another person says they’re glad he’s not their neighbor! Most people have a relative fear of snakes, and pythons can surely make you shake in your boots.  Adult Burmese pythons are rarely preyed upon due to their size, with humans being the sole exception. They feed on local species and can lower their numbers. The effects of pythons on native animal species are now being studied. Pythons can devour threatened or endangered native animals in addition to the species such as the Norway rat! 

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