If you venture out toward the beach, you do get to experience a lot more wildlife. It’s one of the most humbling places! The narrator goes on to explain that during this sighting, in particular, the water just isn’t as clear as it would be during the summer months. The video was taken in March 2020 and as the narrator explains, the water is quite clear. She happens upon a great white shark via a drone. She explains that the shark is quite close to the surface of the water and that it’s only about 400 feet out from shore. She then explains that the drone pulls up a bit higher to give you an even broader view of exactly what this shark is doing so close to shore. This great white shark is swimming in a circular fashion and it’s leaving a trail in a near-perfect circle. According to research, sharks sometimes display this behavior when they are sleeping. Sharks don’t sleep as humans do. They don’t have moments of complete rest, releasing all of the tension in the muscles of their bodies. Sharks rest in a different state! If you have children or pets or you’re just a light sleeper — you’ve heard the saying that someone is sleeping with “one eye open,” and in the case of great white sharks, they sleep with both eyes open. Their pupils remain alert, monitoring the space around them.   Sometimes, sharks circle something they are curious about. Often, this is perceived as predatory behavior but really, it’s just a shark trying to figure out what’s going on. Even though some sharks do swim while sleeping, others may just sink down to the ocean floor and cuddle in a group or somewhere dark and secluded where they won’t encounter any trouble. As far as great white sharks, however, they can’t stop moving. They have to keep swimming. They need constant movement to stay alive. It may just be that this first great white sighting was one of a shark just trying to get a bit of rest.

Up Next, Watch Great Whites Do What They Do in Nature:

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