This combination of characteristics makes for a very entertaining video. This one starts with a large king cobra in the middle of a street with a mongoose sneaking up behind it. The video seems to have started after a failed attack because the massive king cobra has already assumed a defensive posture. The snake raised the front portion of its body off the ground to strike and spread its hood. The fight recommences immediately as the camera starts rolling with the mongoose tackling the snake from behind. The mammal drives the snake into the ground, bites it, and starts dragging it into the grass where it can finish the job. Meanwhile, the gathered people cheer on the swift victory. Only, this fight isn’t over. The mongoose lets go of the snake too soon and retreats, giving the massive king cobra time to regain its bearings. The snake heads back to the road, unsure of whether it should attack or flee. Again, the mongoose springs forth, grabs it by the head, and drives it into the ground. This time, it rolls over a few times in an attempt to tear the snake’s head open. The bloodied snake manages to break loose and attempts to bite the mongoose to no avail. The little critter is just too fast for it. The snake once again tries to flee, but it’s too injured and sluggish to get away. This time, the mongoose has had enough of the games. The cobra turns its back to the mammal and pays for it. The videographer uses slow motion to capture the event. Once more, the mongoose attacks from behind, grabbing the cobra in its mouth and slamming it into the pavement. The mongoose has most of the upper portion of the snake’s head in its mouth. It twists the head using a sharp jerk of its neck. Then, it simply drags the massive king cobra, bloodied and possibly dead, off the road. While we don’t know for certain that the king cobra is dead after that last interaction, it seems likely that it is about to die. The snake is bleeding from its head and the snake is clearly suffering from the repeated bites. The last takedown was even more violent-looking than the first few.   The chances are good that the king cobra was dead at the end of the video. If not, it would die shortly after the mongoose took it someplace private to eat. Aside from the amazing feat of strength displayed by the mongoose in this video, the other incredible thing was the nonchalance of the viewers. Several people are watching one of the deadliest animals in the world a few feet from them. Most people would think twice about getting near a cobra!

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