The girl, Sara Oister, told her mom that she had spotted a shark heading right for her in the shallow water. Upon revisiting the video, her mother saw that her daughter was telling the truth. On replay, a small shark fin pokes out of the water for a few seconds before it disappears under a breaking wave. Sara runs out of the water in disbelief. Fortunately, the shark that was apparently stalking her was rather small, perhaps just a few feet long. The small dorsal fin and the very shallow water wouldn’t allow a full-sized great white shark or another large shark to swim in the area. She probably encountered a young shark. The video continues and explains that shark sightings are becoming more prevalent in the area. That’s not necessarily from an increase in shark populations, though. Instead, experts attribute the excess sightings to more people finding refuge in the water during summer. The story then takes a journey out to Hawaii where another young girl encountered a shark in the surf. This time, what appears to be a full-grown shark of an unknown species swam within inches of the girl before turning tail. If that shark attacked, it would have been far more dangerous for the child. Fortunately, neither child suffered any injuries, but they do have a new tale to share. More importantly, Sara Oister had a message to give out about swimming in Myrtle Beach. “Even though I know we’re in their habitat, I didn’t go into that day thinking I was gonna be right next to a shark.” The 11-year-old is wise beyond her years. Sharks live in the water and humans are guests. Always take proper precautions to avoid shark interactions. Pay attention to lifeguard warnings and leave the shiny, shimmering attire at home. All in all, this video presented a good warning to all.

Watch More Close Encounters with Sharks:

Do you want to see some other near misses with large sharks? Then take a look at some of these videos!

Watch How Close This Woman Came to Becoming a Shark’s Meal. See how quickly a shark can turn a fun day in the sun into utter terror!The Incredible Story of Dolphins Saving a Group of Swimmers from a Great White Shark. Watch as dolphins vie for the spot of man’s best friend!Must See: Great White Shark Stalks Diver to Surface. Watch as a shark decides at the last second to abandon its hunt for a human.Watch: Woman Swimming Between Hawaiian Islands Stalked By A Shark. Watch how a swimmer was feet away from being attacked by a shark.Sharks Mere Feet From Coast Spark Fear in Florida’s Neptune Beach. Watch two large sharks swim directly toward one another on a collision course.