While puppies will maintain a rather playful mood even during the night, adult dogs tend to bark and howl. On top of that, certain breeds are known for how vocal they are – huskies, for example. As such, we decided to introduce you to popular dog breeds that rarely bark. The information presented below will be of great help if you want to have a dog but live in an apartment. On top of that, remember that dogs can be trained to be quiet. Even though it’s against their nature, a loving and caring owner will successfully reduce howls to whispers, at least during the night!

1. Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is known as a sensitive and loyal breed, although specimens can be stubborn and imposing sometimes. It is a rather large dog breed, but it compensates for the silence. Ridgebacks are known as silent dogs that rarely bark or howl. Of course, they have their communication moments, but they can be easily overcome through training. Remember that this particular breed requires consistent training and a fair share of socialization.

2. Saluki

The Saluki is known for being clever, reserved, and, most importantly, silent. It is a large breed that was developed to hunt by sight. In short, this means that the wind won’t startle and send them into a barking frenzy – but the sight of an intruder or vermin might. Salukis are reserved, even towards strangers. This doesn’t mean they don’t protect their owners, but they might not be all up and barking whenever they lock eyes with a stranger. The breed is ideal for apartments, as adult specimens are calm and quiet.

3. Glen of Imaal Terrier

The Glen of Imaal Terrier is known as a loyal and kind breed. It was bred as a strong dog breed rather than a sounder. It was a silent hunter and is today known as one of the quietest terriers. In short, while hunting vermin, the Glen of Imaal Terrier does so silently and doesn’t let out any howl or bark. Glen of Imaal Terriers will happily take the chill pill and relax with their owners. They will rarely demand playtime sessions, even if they love being active. Long story short, if you give them what they need, you’ll have a quiet apartment!

4. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is known as a clever, independent, and adaptable breed. It is a toy dog breed and a mix between the Lhasa Apso and the Pekingese. Even though the breed possesses a playful personality, it is also known for being calm and friendly. Although Shih Tzus were bred as palace watchdogs and occasionally barked at people or dogs passing by, their barking can be controlled through training. Moreover, if they get enough attention and exercise, Shih Tzus will rarely bark. 

5. Irish Setter

The Irish Setter is known as an independent, playful, energetic, and sociable breed. This setter is a family dog and will behave impeccably around children and large families. Children, dogs, and visitors will enjoy a good playing session with your Irish Setter! Irish Setters are silent dogs. While they aren’t suited as guard dogs, they make perfect therapy dogs. They enjoy long walks and the freedom to run through large open spaces. As such, you should expect a quiet apartment if you meet the breed’s requirements.

6. Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, kind, active, and protective breed. This breed is extremely popular nowadays and is often seen accompanying families with children. Although it was originally bred for herding, the Australian Shepherd is nowadays a favorite companion dog breed. However, some specimens might let their instinct kick in and try to herd other pets or even the family’s children. Australian Shepherds are known to bark a lot – that is, if they’ve not been trained from an early age. As herding dogs originally, some specimens might keep too much of the herding gene, which requires, you guessed it, loud and authoritarian barks. However, if you train your Australian Shepherd properly and meet its exercise requirements, you won’t have any problems.

7. Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu is an alert, loyal, and confident breed. This firewood dog is the smallest of the six spitz breeds native to Japan. It is popular worldwide for its size, facial expressions, and agility. After all, the Shiba Inu was initially bred for hunting. Shiba Inus are easily trained and get accustomed to apartments quite fast. While they’ll rarely bark, there’s one thing you should be aware of – the shiba scream. It occurs if the dog is provoked or you don’t give it enough attention throughout the day. Yes – the shiba scream is enough to wake up most of your neighbors!

8. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is an intelligent, loving, playful, and loyal breed. It was originally bred to herd, watch, guard livestock, and hunt and kill vermin. Nowadays, this terrier is famous for its obedience and tracking abilities – the breed is sometimes even used in animal-assisted therapy thanks to its calmness and silence. Soft-coated Wheaten Terriers will usually jump up to lick your face as a greeting instead of barking. You won’t have any noise complaints if you keep the barking under control through early training, meet their energy needs, and play with them for as long as they need.

9. Scottish Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound is known as a gentle, friendly, and docile breed. It is another breed originally developed to hunt by sight. This means it usually requires visual confirmation before letting out barks and howls. Scottish Deerhounds are famous for being eager to please. With enough training and perseverance, your pleas to them to remain quiet will be almost always listened to. However, given the docile nature of this breed, specimens are unlikely to break into a barking crisis.

10. Borzoi

The Borzoi is known as an intelligent, independent, kind, but most importantly, silent breed – it’s also famous for imposing respect, mainly through its stature and proud stance. Just like a couple of other breeds on this list, the Borzoi was developed to hunt by sight – it was once used to hunt wolves. Borzois are sought-after thanks to their calm temperament. They are selective learners who may not want to learn everything you show them. To keep your dog happy, you’ll have to learn as many commands as possible, just in case they refuse to obey some.

11. Basenji

The Basenji is an intelligent, energetic, curious, loving, playful, and silent breed. Luckily for people living in an apartment, this breed is called the barkless dog. Instead of barks, it produced yodel-like sounds, due to its larynx having an unusual shape. On the other hand, although they’re intelligent, remember that Basenjis are the second least trainable dog (in terms of listening to commands). Even if you train them to be quiet, they are unlikely to respond to direct commands if they feel like barking.

12. Bulldog

The Bulldog is one of the world’s most frequently registered breeds, as many families want one for companionship. The breed is generally friendly and patient – another reason to have one as a family pet. Bulldogs are kind and resolute. Barking shouldn’t be a problem unless you come across one of their stubborn moods. However, they compensate for the lack of barking by snoring loudly!

13. French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is known as a smart, sociable, loving, patient, and playful breed. It is mainly a companion dog and is usually kept as a pet. Like the common Bulldog, the French Bulldog is one of the most frequently registered dog breeds, as families love having one around. French Bulldogs are likely to bark when left alone. As such, it’s not ideal to leave the house overnight and have your companion remain alone.

14. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a loving, playful, sociable, fearless, kind, and patient breed. It is a medium-sized dog and is extremely popular worldwide. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are eager to please their owners. In short, if trained properly, they will listen and understand a silent command. Like other dogs on this list, they require daily exercise and long walks. However, they are also known for casually choosing to sleep on the couch instead of playing or walking. On the other hand, if they are bored or stressed, they can bark for attention.

15. Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a loyal, intelligent, and loving breed. It is a large dog breed, a descendant of the imposing Roman mastiff. This breed was originally bred as a farm dog. If a dog grew large enough, it had a high chance of being used as a draft animal. Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely caring and affectionate. If your dog exhausts its energy supplies, you’ll have a silent and loving furry companion around. But don’t worry! This dog breed doesn’t have high energy levels – a long walk will do the trick!

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