Both animals leave a trail of slime. It’s mucus that allows them to move along the ground. Either creature can lose moisture to dry soil, dehydrating them in harmful ways. The release of mucus prevents moisture loss. The substance also prevents cuts from sharp objects in the soil. The mollusks are similar. Both have slender tentacles with eyespots on the end. Their mouths are directed downward. They have a broad, singular, flat bottom, muscular feet covered with epithelial cilia and lubricated with mucus. Unfortunately, most people see these creatures as annoyances. Slugs and snails eat fruit and plant leaves, roots, and stems. They will completely destroy gardens. Both animals are slow-moving and there are over 60,000 species combined of slugs and snails. Yet, despite their similarities, the snail and slug are different. Let’s take a closer look at these animals in a snail versus slug review.

Comparing Slug vs Snail

In the following chart, we summarize a number of the major differences between the snail and slug.

The 3 Key Differences Between Snails and Slugs

Here are the most significant ways to tell the difference between a slug and a snail.

1. Slug vs Snail: Anatomy

The key difference when you see one of the creatures is the snail has a noticeable shell while the slug has none. The snail’s shell is large enough for the creature to duck into for defense. Some snails have the capacity to close the shell once they’ve retracted. Slugs have no mobile home or defensive shell. Many slugs use an internal vestigial shell. It’s used to store calcium. With no protective shell, the animal’s soft tissue is at risk of desiccation.

2. Slug vs Snail: Speed

Snails and slugs travel at all different speeds. The common snail can hit one millimeter per second. This is faster than most slugs. There are snails that do not move at all. They sit at the bottom of the sea, feeding on plankton that drifts in their area.

3. Slug vs Snail: Habitat

Snails and slugs can live in nearly every habitat on the planet, including salt and freshwater. They favor moist environments such as moss, tree bark, piles of damp refuse and rotting logs. Slugs, which aren’t protected by a shell, are vulnerable to desiccation during particularly dry seasons. With no shell on their back, slugs easily — if slowly — maneuver into the smallest spaces with the added ability to compress themselves. They use wooden boards, stone slabs, and loose tree bark to their advantage. Snails quickly hide in their shells, especially when natural predators are around. There are snails that can retract and close the shell for extra protection.


Consuming snails is a delicacy in many countries but especially France. Escargot, the dish of cooked land snails, is an appetizer in many fine dining establishments. Large, land snails are primarily sourced for the dish, mainly because they are highly nutritious and marine snails can be toxic to humans so better to not risk it. Slugs can also be consumed as a nutritious snack, or dare. When eating slugs, it is best to cook them thoroughly, as most land slugs and wild snails carry certain parasites.

Summary: Snail vs Slug Differences

Up next…

Snails and slugs are considered gross and slimy by some but interesting and important by others. Check out these comparisons of different snail species to better understand them:

Pond Snail vs Bladder Snail: What are the Differences? – Both aquatic, how’re these snails different?Trochus Snail vs Astrea Snail: What are the Differences? – How to tell the trochus and astrea snails apart.Nerite vs Mystery Snail: What’s the Difference? – Many people think these snails to be the same but they differ in taxonomy, size, color, etc.

Actually, science accomplished this. In 2010, a team of biologists redesigned the shape of snails. They reprogrammed the growth direction of the mollusks’ shell-generating tissue in the period when a freshwater snail begins to form its outer shell. The process prevented the development of the shell. In the end, they had what was basically a slug. But Mother Nature has never seen fit to transform snails into slugs or vice versa. Are slugs worse than snails? There’s no way to determine if there is a “worse” between the snail and slug species. They are both dangerous to your lawns and gardens. They love well-maintained greenery where they can hide, nest, and feed. Do slugs and snails feel pain? The slug has a highly developed nervous system. The fastest way to get rid of them is to pour salt on the creature. This rapidly dehydrates (burns) the slug and you can see them trying to escape, writhing because of the pain. The slug even flinches if it walks into an object. As for the snail, researchers say their nervous systems do not process emotional information, so they do not experience suffering. Is snail venom really used as a medication? There are conotoxins in snail venom. The snail uses it for capture and defense. The element contains bioactive peptides used in pharmacological resources. It’s believed these elements could become a new classification of analgesics. Do snails bite? Yes, they do. On average, they have 14,000 teeth. Only because of their size and lack of force, you don’t feel it. It’s said the bite feels like a scrape on the skin with a tiny brush. But there are wild snails that can inflict a painful bite.