Comparing Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya

Key Differences Between Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya

As you can see, these two fruits are very similar. The most significant differences between them are in the appearance of the exterior rind. One is bumpy, and one has overlapping scales. Other important distinctions are the area where we find them growing wild and the taste of the flesh. We will break down all of these differences in detail now.

Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya: Name

Both sugar apples and cherimoya come from the Annona (or paw paw) family. There are 166 members of this family, a few of which are thought to have mildly poisonous or neurotoxic effects. This theory is still being studied and is not definitive yet. For our purposes, we will discuss the most popular and edible versions. The scientific name for the sugar apple is Annona squamosa; many people call it by its other name, sweet sop. The scientific name for cherimoya is Annona cherimola; it is also called custard apple and ice cream fruit. This name comes from the practice of freezing cherimoya and then eating it with a spoon like ice cream!

Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya: Native Region

Historians think Sugar apples originated in the tropical Americas and the West Indies. In the present day, it is the most widely cultivated of all Annona trees. It is grown in almost every tropical and subtropical area. It is not cold tolerant, and the tree will die if the temperature goes even a few degrees below zero. Historians believe the cherimoya tree originated in Ecuador and Peru; some even believe they came from Central America because they are found growing wild there. Commercial growers cultivate cherimoya in many other tropical and subtropical regions. You can find them at fruit markets in many countries. Cherimoya is slightly more tolerant of a brief period of cold weather and will go dormant to protect themselves. However, they will die if exposed for longer than a few days.

Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya: Appearance

Sugar apples are the fruit of the Annona squamosa tree, which grows from 10-20 feet tall. The fruit is spherical or conical and has a green rind composed of thick knobby segments. The exterior of the fruit is light green or blue-green. The inside of the fruit is yellow-white with shiny black or brown seeds. Each fruit is two to four inches in diameter and two to four inches long. The fruits weigh between three to eight ounces each. Cherimoya is the fruit of the Annona cherimola tree, which grows from 16-30 feet tall. The fruit is heart-shaped or conical and has a green rind that resembles dragon scales overlapping. The exterior of the fruit is green. The inside of the fruit is white with inedible black seeds. Each fruit measures four to eight inches long and two to four inches in diameter. The fruits weigh between five and seventeen ounces, with some of the largest specimens being as heavy as six pounds!

Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya: Taste

Sugar apple has a sweet taste, very similar to custard. The flesh is creamy and fragrant, juicy and buttery. Some people describe the taste as tropical and minty with a hint of cinnamon. Cherimoya has a fruity, somewhat acidic taste, similar to strawberry, kiwi, and pineapple, all mixed into one. It is refreshing and creamy with a soft pudding-like texture.

Sugar Apple vs. Cherimoya: Uses

Suppose you have sugar apple or cherimoya fruit available. In that case, a favorite way to eat them is to cut the fruit in half, freeze it, and then scoop out the frozen flesh with a spoon and eat it like ice cream. Sugar apple is a bit firmer, while cherimoya stays soft like ice cream. Sugar apples and cherimoya are both excellent juiced or pureed into smoothies. Cherimoya is commonly baked into cakes and whipped into a custard-like dessert. They are both excellent served raw and chilled.


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