But experts all agree that animals listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List need help. So, to help spread the word about vulnerable species, we’ve handpicked 10 Critically Endangered animals on the brink of extinction to highlight. Let’s dive in!

Most Endangered Animal: Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)

Saolas are one of the most endangered animals on the planet — and the most elusive! Affectionately dubbed “Asian unicorns,” saolas — pronounced saw-las — evaded human detection till 1992! To date, wildlife cameras have only caught three. Because saolas are so scarce, researchers know precious little about these herbivores that live in wet forests on the Laotian-Vietnamese border. Thanks to local sightings and a smattering of short scientific studies, we also know that saolas are crepuscular and typically travel alone or with a single partner. With their silky, short coats, saolas look a lot like antelopes but are most closely related to cattle. Uniquely, both males and females sport spindly, pointed horns that can reach 20-inches-long! A single female named Martha lived in captivity under the observation of William Robichaud, coordinator of the IUCN’s Saola Working Group. But the doe died 15 days in, and researchers gathered little data. However, the group noticed that Martha was tame with humans but deeply distressed around dogs. Habitat loss, illegal fur trading, population fragmentation, abandoned boar traps, and the traditional medicine black market all threaten saolas, making them one of the world’s most endangered species. Learn more about saolas.

Most Endangered Bird: Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)

A large, ground-dwelling, nocturnal, flightless parrot, kakapos are native to New Zealand and rank among the world’s most endangered birds. Also known as the “owl parrot,” these herbivores have yellow and green plumage, huge feet, short legs, and giant beaks. They’re also the heaviest parrots on the planet and one of the longest-living birds known to man. Today, only about 252 kakapos live on two small islands, Whenua Hoa and Anchor Island, which conservationists scrubbed of cats, rats, and ferrets — owl parrots’ main predators. The Kakapo Recovery team is clearing a third island for the Critically Endangered bird in the hopes of further bolstering their numbers. Learn more about kakapos.

Most Endangered Fish: Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)

The IUCN, alongside Greenpeace and dozens of other conservation groups, lists the Southern Bluefin Tuna as Critically Endangered. Governments have even passed laws criminalizing their capture. But loopholes render the statutes toothless, and fishers regularly scoop bluefin tunas out of the Southern Hemisphere’s waters. Pollution is also a massive problem for the species — as are disease-causing chemicals that marine ranchers use to kill algae.

Most Endangered Big Cat: Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)

Coveted for their pelts and bones, Amur leopards are an exceptionally vulnerable big cat. Researchers believe only 60 to 80 remain in the wild — and their numbers are plummeting due to poaching, fires, habitat destruction, and complications wrought by inbreeding. These cold-weather cats live exclusively in the Primorye region of Russia and China. Scientists caution that Amur leopards now only occupy two percent of their historical territory due to the ravages of climate change. Learn more about Amur leopards.

Most Endangered Whale: North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis)

Named by their human predators, North Atlantic right whales stick close to coasts and regularly skim the ocean’s surface for zooplankton, making them easy targets — or “the right whales to hunt,”. Thousands of these gentle, aquatic giants once torpedoed through Atlantic waters. But today, only about 350 are left, and fewer than 100 are breeding females. These numbers worry conservationists because right whales only give birth once a decade. Boating accidents, rising sea temperatures, and fishing net entanglements plague the whale — as does increased noise pollution, which prevents them from communicating and finding food. Learn more about different whale species.

Five Other Animals Facing Extinction

Vaquitas (Phocoena sinus)

They’re shy, love squid, and only around 10 are left in the wild. Known as the “Gulf of California harbor porpoise,” vaquitas — cousins to the blue whale — are the smallest and most endangered marine mammals in the world. Vaquitas’ main nemesis is the fishing industry. Specifically, the 4- to 5-foot-long swimmers drown after becoming entangled in gillnets used for illegal totoaba fishing. Even though officials made gillnets illegal in vaquita waters, officials don’t enforce the law. Pollution from the Colorado River doesn’t help the problem, and conservationists believe the species could become extinct in the wild within a handful of years. Learn more about porpoises.

Javan Rhinos (Rhinoceros sondaicus)

Residents of Indonesia’s Ujung Kulan National Park, Javan rhinos are one of the most endangered species currently clinging to their patch of the planet. According to recent counts, only 76 are left. Inbreeding, natural disasters, disease, human encroachment, poaching, and the proliferation of ruinous palms are all conspiring against the 5,000-pound herbivores. Though they weigh twice as much as the average car, Javan rhinos — also known as “Sunda rhinos” — are the shyest and most endangered of the five rhino species. How introverted are they? Instead of vocalizing, the leathery behemoths use dung and urine to communicate! But don’t confuse their quiet natures with weakness. When threatened, rhinos are ferocious and easily kill humans who get in their way. Javans typically live for 40 years, but pregnancies are few and far between, with a long 19-month gestation period. As a result, they’re incredibly vulnerable because regeneration efforts are slow going. Learn more about Javan rhinos.

Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)

A subspecies of the eastern gorilla first observed in 1902, mountain gorillas live high in the Congo Basin’s forests. Their woolly, thick hair keeps them warm in sub-zero temperatures, and the hearty primates have struggled to survive decades of civil unrest in their region. Though the mountain gorilla’s situation is improving slightly, they still qualify as one of the most endangered animals in the world as there are only about 880 left in the wild. Poaching is up, as is illegal charcoal making, which is destroying their habitats at alarming rates. Plus, human encroachment is forcing the gorillas to higher ground, and many aren’t adapting well. Learn more about mountain gorillas.

Sea Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata and Lepidochelys kempii)

Hawksbill and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are Critically Endangered. Their numbers have declined by about 80 percent over three generations. Since climate determines the sex of sea turtle hatchlings — febricity gives way to females — rising sea temperatures are wreaking havoc on populations because there aren’t enough males to mate! Despite being illegal, sea turtle poaching is a persistent problem. The animals are still sought-after delicacies in parts of the world. Plus, their shells are highly-prized status symbols in some cultures. Also, and unfortunately, sea turtles regularly fall victim to commercial fishers who inadvertently scoop them up as bycatch. By the time they’re discovered, it’s often too late. Coastal development is also killing Hawksbill and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, as is pollution. Learn more about sea turtles.

Sumatran Elephants (Elephas maximus sumatrensis)

In 2011, Sumatran elephants landed under the Critically Endangered category on the IUCN’s Red List. Humans are overtaking their territories, and hunters illegally kill the pachyderms for their horns. Sadly, elephant shootings are up among farmers protecting their harvests. Sumatran elephants are elemental seed spreaders. The pollination keeps their forest ecosystems healthy and vibrant, and their loss could trigger a devastating domino effect that renders dozens of species extinct in a record time. Learn more about Sumatran elephants.

St. Lucia Racer Snake (Erythrolamprus ornatus)

Currently, the St. Lucia racer snake is said to be the world’s most endangered snake. There’s only 18 of these rare snakes left on the island of Maria Major in Saint Lucia, where they make their home. The largest threat to the St. Lucia racers, which once populated the whole island, are invasive species like mongooses. St. Lucia racer snakes are non-venomous and grow up to four feet long.

How to Help the World’s Most Endangered Species

How can you help the species on our top 10 most endangered animals list? The most effective things you can do are:

Financially support conservation groupsResearch and boycott brands that lobby against eco-conscious laws that will save the planetVolunteer for organizations working on anti-pollution and climate change initiativesTalk with and educate your friends and family about vulnerable species that are going extinct

Do you agree with our choices for most endangered animals? Let us know in the comments! And keep up the excellent work of learning about the world’s species.


Let’s look back at the 10 most endangered species inhabiting the Earth:

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